0.22.0 • Published 5 years ago

sok-js v0.22.0

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Sok is a multiplatform socket management library, distributed under the MIT licence, that aims to be simple and safe to use. It is fully coroutine-friendly and asynchronous with all its primitive being suspending functions. It allows the developer to use I/O code inside coroutines safely without any risk of blocking anything.

For now the supported platforms are:

  • JVM >= 8 (JVM 7 and Android not tested but it should theoretically work)
  • Node.js >= 9.4.0 (lower versions may work, not tested)
  • Native - Linux x64

There is no plan to support Windows or OSX/iOS platforms for now

Your project should meet the following requirement for Sok to work:

  • Kotlin 1.3
  • Gradle 4.7 (for Native projects)

    Sok is still in its early stage of development, there is still a lot to be done and you will find the list here

    A complete documentation of the whole library is available here

Table of content

I - Introduction

II - Overview

III - Installation

IV - The Server class

V - The Client class

1 - Read

2 - Write

3 - BulkRead

VI - The Buffer class

VII - Exception model

VIII - Platform specific behaviours

1 - Java

2 - Native

3 - JS

IX - Plans for the future

X - Contributing


Sok can manage server and client sockets, it is multi-threaded on JVM and single-threaded on Native and JS. All platforms implement the same interface. There is a few known platform-specific behavior that are listed here. The behavior of the library is a quite similar to the Java NIO technology:

  • Everything is buffer based
  • I/O operations update the buffer cursor and respect the buffer limit

An echo server socket code looks like this:

fun main(args: Array<String>) = runBlocking {
    //create the server socket
    val server = createTCPServerSocket("localhost", 9999)
    //accept clients forever
    while(!server.isClosed) {
        //suspending accept
        val socket = server.accept()
        //launch a new coroutine to let the main loop continue
        launch {
            //allocate a new buffer
            val buffer = allocMultiplatformBuffer(1024)
            //loop forever again
                //we read at the start of the buffer
                buffer.cursor = 0
                //as the buffer might not be full, we set the limit and reset the cursor
                buffer.limit = buffer.cursor
                buffer.cursor = 0
            //destroy the buffer (optional on JVM and JS)


Sok is hosted on Bintray. Simply add Sok as a dependency and you are good to go


repositories {
    maven{ url "https://dl.bintray.com/seekdasky/sok" }

dependencies {
    // For common source
    implementation 'seekdasky.sok:sok-common:0.22.0'
    // For JVM
    implementation 'seekdasky.sok:sok-jvm:0.22.0'
    // For JS
    implementation 'seekdasky.sok:sok-js:0.22.0'
    // For Native (please not that you must use Gradle 4.7)
    implementation 'seekdasky.sok:sok-native-linux:0.22.0'

Sok is not available on jCenter for now. If you use Sok on native project you MUST use Gradle 4.7 because of incompatibilities in the Gadle metadata format between each version.

The Server class

You can create a new listening socket with the top-level function createTCPServerSocket

suspend fun createTCPServerSocket(address : String, port : Int) : TCPServerSocket

The TCPServerSocket class only have two interesting primitives: accept and close

The Client class

The client class allows the developer to perform I/O actions on socket. This class is created when either accepting a client with the Server class method accept or with the createTCPClientSocket top-level function:

suspend fun createTCPClientSocket(address : String, port : Int ) : TCPClientSocket

When closing a client socket you can either call close that will wait for any ongoing write operation to finish or forceClose that will close everything instantly and interrupt any write operation.

The three I/O primitives are:


The two read methods signatures are:

suspend fun read(buffer: MultiplatformBuffer) : Int

suspend fun read(buffer: MultiplatformBuffer, minToRead : Int) : Int

Both methods are not thread safe and only one can be called at a time. Data will be read from the current buffer cursor position until the limit of the buffer. Without a minToReadparameter given, the minimum amount of data is 1 byte.

Once the read operation is performed, the cursor of the buffer will be incremented by the number of byte read and the method will return that number.


The write method signature is:

suspend fun write(buffer: MultiplatformBuffer) : Boolean

Unlike read methods, a write operation is thread safe and multiple call can be performed concurrently. A write is atomic, meaning that the method will not return until all the data between the cursor and the limit are written or until an exception happen (PeerClosedException). The client class will process each given buffer one by one in order. The developer should implement a back-pressure mechanism in order to reduce the amount of data stored in the queue.


This method allows the developper to perform a read-intesive loop efficiently. When using this method instead of a while loop, Sok can perform certain optimisations that can greatly improve I/O performances. The signature of the method is:

suspend fun bulkRead(buffer : MultiplatformBuffer, operation : (buffer : MultiplatformBuffer, read : Int) -> Boolean) : Long

The method will suspend the calling coroutine and execute the operationevery time there is data to be read. The operationwill take as parameter the buffer containing the data (with its cursor set to 0) and the amount of data, the operation must return true if the loop should continue, false if the method should return.

the operation MUST not be computation intensive or blocking as Sok waits for all the ongoing operations to be complete before fetching new events. All operation execution are done in parallel so multiple bulkRead from different sockets wont block each other and scale quite well.

The use case imagined for this method is the following:

    //read some headers/metadata and compute the length of the data to be recevied
    val toReceive = ....
    val recevied = 0
    //read until we recevied everything we need
    socket.bulkRead(allocMultiplatformBuffer(1024)){ buffer, read ->
        received += read
        //process the data and store them somewhere
        //set the limit of the buffer to read the exact amount of data
        buffer.limit = min(toReceive - received, buffer.capacity)
        //return if we should continue the loop or not
        received != toReceive

Performance note: as bulkRead parallelize operations, there is a task dispatch latency that can limit the max bandwidth available, this is scalable and suitable for internet communications but might be a problem for local network communications, in which case you should use read as it implement a fast-path, improving maximum bandwidth.

The Buffer class

The Buffer class is the heart of any I/O operation. It's behavior is similar to the Java NIO ByteBuffer. it also include primitives to read unsigned types. There is currently no method supporting float and double types and sothey must be transferred as strings.

A Buffer can be created either by allocating memory or using an existing ByteArray as a back buffer, thus avoiding copy.

fun allocMultiplatformBuffer(size :Int) : MultiplatformBuffer

fun wrapMultiplatformBuffer(array : ByteArray) : MultiplatformBuffer

On Native platforms it is important to destroy the buffer using the destroy() method when it is not needed anymore in order to free memory, note that on Kotlin/Native if you destroy a buffer that wraps a ByteArray, the ByteBuffer class will simply unpin() the array.

Sok also provide a BufferPool class, usefull to recycle buffers and reduce garbage collection pressure

class BufferPool(val maximumNumberOfBuffer : Int, val bufferSize : Int) {
     * Fetch a buffer from the pool. If the pool as not reached its maximum size and that the channel si empty we can allocate
     * the buffer instead of suspending.
    suspend fun requestBuffer() : MultiplatformBuffer
     * Free the object in order to let another coroutine have it. If you forget to call this method the pool will empty
     * itself and starve, blocking all coroutines calling requestBuffer()
    suspend fun freeBuffer(obj : MultiplatformBuffer)

Exception model

Client and Server classes both have an exceptionHandler property containing a lambda that will be called when an Exeption resulting in the closing of the socket is thrown. This handler is useful to have a centralized way of tracking the state of the socket.

All the exceptions class that Sok can throw are referenced here.

If something is wrong, every primitive (accept,read,bulkRead,write) will throw the same exception as the one passed to the exception handler.

Closing the socket using close and forceClose will result in a NormalCloseException or a ForceCloseException to be thrown. Only the first CloseException will be sent to the exception handler, meaning that if you call close on a socket after the peer closed it (PeerClosedException) there won't be any NormalCloseException thrown.

if a call is made to a primitive of a closed socket a SocketClosedException will be thrown.

When using bulkRead, if the passed operation lambda throw an exception, the socket won't be closed thus the exception won't be send to the exception handler but the exception will be thrown by the bulkRead method.

Platform specific behaviours

As Multiplatform and Coroutines are still experimental and that each platform have its own paradigm, making a library that have the same exact behaviour is hard. this section is dedicated to the behaviours that are not (yet) fixable and that the developer should keep in mind.


Java is the primary target of Sok so its behaviour is the default one. The only thing that the JVM target have in addition compared to the other is the allocDirectMultiplatformBuffer function which allocate a direct ByteBuffer instead of a heap ByteBuffer. For more information about the difference between the two, read this thread.


Because the kotlinx.coroutines library does not support multithreading on native platform yet, Sok is single threaded. Because of this you MUST have a running event loop in your kotlin program, to acheive this the simplest way is making runBlocking the first statement of your main function. In addition to this you might want to bind the Sok Selector class scope to this event loop, this is optional but recommended if you want to prevent runBlocking from returning, thus closing the event loop. You can read more on Structured concurrency here, and kotlinx.coroutines plans for multi-threading here


fun main(args: Array<String>) = runBlocking{
    //bind the selector to the coroutine scope
    //you are good to go now


For now the JS implementation is really slow and you probably don't want to use this in production at all. Because this platform does not support runBlocking it makes it a bit trickier to use it on multiplatform projects.

The only known behavior difference is that the write method can't throw a PeerClosedException because Node.js does not give any information about the success of the write operation.

Plans for the future

Sok is not feature complete and is getting more and more stable. It is not advised to use Sok in production without a proper testing. Performances are decent but the suspending model implies a lot of register/unregister to the inner Selector which can lead to slow downs if doing intensive read calls. To address this problem and allow the use of Sok on latency-critical code, I will implement an "event-based" class that will work a bit like what Node.js have in its Net package.

The event paradigm will allow fewer registrations, better memory consumption at the price of raw bandwidth and code clarity compared to the suspending version.

I also plan to use the latest Multiplatformgradle plugin and Kotlin DSLbut I want to wait for other projects to do so to see how this new plugin integrates with the current publishing flow.


Feedback is greatly welcomed as I want to make Sok easy to use and consistent across platforms. If you want to contribute to the project, please make sure to open an issue first.