Drop-in replacement for Nodes http and https that transparently make http request to both http1 / http2 server, it's using the ALPN protocol
Drop-in replacement for Nodes http and https that transparently make http request to both http1 / http2 server, it's using the ALPN protocol
Browser compatibility data provided by MDN Web Docs
Browser compatibility data provided by MDN Web Docs
Deal with vinyl file contents, regardless of whether it is Buffer/Stream
A React compatibility layer for Preact
The compatibility build of lodash modular utilities.
For libraries that want to include log4js for logging, but don't want to introduce version conflicts for users that also use log4js. Delegates to whatever log4js version can be found, but does not introduce a specific log4js version.
JSON Schema tools are now being written for v4 of the draft, but v3 schemas still exist out in the wild.
Testing with karma following open-wc recommendations
webhint's recommended hints configuration for live websites
library to bring Web App Manifest contents to non-compliant browsers
The linting tool for the web
Retrieve all Leaflet Default Icon options from CSS, in particular all icon images URL's, to improve compatibility with bundlers and frameworks that modify URL's in CSS.
This module contains the webhint feature for the @leanup/cli.
Compatibility layer for webpack V3/V4 plugin APIs
Compatibility package for earlier versions of react-native
Wotan plugin to behave almost like TSLint
Vue wrapper for 'browser-update' package
Vue wrapper for 'browser-update' package
Compatibility Result module.