React components for Leaflet maps
React components for Leaflet maps
Vector drawing plugin for Leaflet
Vue2 leaflet library
React Leaflet core
A plugin for LeafletJS to use Google maps basemaps.
Adds support for address lookup (a.k.a. geocoding / geoseaching) to Leaflet.
React wrapper of Leaflet.markercluster for react-laeflet
A fullscreen control for Leaflet
Dumb Empty Component for control with react leaflet
React component for leaflet-draw
Dynamic JavaScript Heatmaps for the Web
Leaflet.BeautifyIcon, a lightweight plugin that adds colorful iconic markers without images for Leaflet by giving full control of style to end user ( i.e. unlimited colors and many more...). It has also ability to adjust font awesome and glyphicon icons.
A tiny and fast Leaflet heatmap plugin.
Mapbox GL JS plugin for switching map language to the browser language.
Extendable geocoder with builtin support for OpenStreetMap Nominatim, Bing, Google, Mapbox, MapQuest, What3Words, Photon, Pelias, HERE, Neutrino, Plus codes
Removes the need to move the map to be able to see the content of a L.Popup
Simple plugin for Leaflet that adds fullscreen button to your maps.
convert KML and GPX to GeoJSON
convert KML and GPX to GeoJSON
binding from mapbox gl to the leaflet api