No-bullshit, ultra-simple, 35-lines-of-code async parallel forEach / map function for JavaScript.
No-bullshit, ultra-simple, 35-lines-of-code async parallel forEach / map function for JavaScript.
Immutable Data Collections
Get an iterator for any JS language value. Works robustly across all environments, all versions.
Array methods for ES6 Iterators
Async concurrent iterator (async forEach)
Utility functions to deal with references in objects
Deques are a generalization of stacks and queues
Object literal maintaining its properties in the order they were added
Asynchronous iterator function for parallel processing.
Make array iteration easy when using async/await and Promises
Library agnostic, extensible DOM utility
Chained and parallel async iterator in one elegant function.
Iteration over cursor-like objects with async/await
Concurrent control of functions on a per-pool basis with async/await
Iterate recursively over the enumerable properties of an object and execute the given callback on the objects's leafs.
An AsyncReiterable is an append-only collection that allows multiple asynchronous iterations.
Like Lego For Databases
Convert an async iterator/iterable to a readable stream
Chai assertions for iterable objects
Immutable Sorted Data Collections