Map object keys and values into a new object
Map object keys and values into a new object
Recursively flatten an array or arrays.
Convert object keys to camel case
Convert object keys from camel case
Utility functions to deal with references in objects
Strengthen the ability of file system
Recursively rename the keys in an object.
Recursively delete all empty folders in a directory and child directories.
Build an array of key paths from an object.
Normalize different variable value types - e.g. `"1"` becomes `1`
Convert object keys recursivly to camelCase using lodash
An object iterator and object replacer with callbacks for key-value pairs
List directories or files, async or sync.
Convert object keys to kebab-case
Easily get raw data from Sequelize instances
Transform object keys easily using whatever transform function
A HOC to deeply camelize React props keys
Utility for remapping key names of an object shallowly and depply nested too, that supports currying for partial application.
Convert object keys to snake case
Browser-friendly fork of sindresorhus/map-obj