Recursively flatten an array or arrays.
Recursively flatten an array or arrays.
List of standard HTML tags
Array of "void elements" defined by the HTML specification.
Fast and powerful array sorting. Sort an array of objects by one or more properties. Any number of nested properties or custom comparison functions may be used.
Check if a string is HTML
Generate HTML elements from a javascript object.
HTML void elements are not the only self-closing tags. This includes common SVG self-closing elements as well.
Returns true if the given name is a HTML void element or common SVG self-closing element.
Returns an array filled with the specified input
Helpers used alongside icons for digital and software products using the Carbon Design System
Sort array elements in ascending order.
Sort array elements in descending order.
React components for icons in digital and software products using the Carbon Design System
Turn a HTML string into DOM elements, cross-platform
Colors for digital and software products using the Carbon Design System
Layout helpers for digital and software products using the Carbon Design System
Themes for applying color in the Carbon Design System
Sass helper for importing files only once. Used in the Carbon Design System
Typography for digital and software products using the Carbon Design System
Exclude certain items from an array