Extend an object with the properties of additional objects. node.js/javascript util.
Extend an object with the properties of additional objects. node.js/javascript util.
Force V8 to use fast properties for an object
Create nested values and any intermediaries using dot notation (`'a.b.c'`) paths.
Use property paths like 'a.b.c' to get a nested value from an object. Even works when keys have dots in them (no other dot-prop library can do this!).
Recursively merge values in a javascript object.
JSS plugin that ensures style properties extend each other instead of override
Processes each properties of an object deeply.
React proptype for moment module
JSS plugin that ensures style properties extend each other instead of override
Get a property from an object using dot (object path) notation.
Conditionally require a React proptype based on other props and/or other conditions.
a function to filter props that are not valid dom props when spreading props in an HOC in react
List of getter/setter properties for JavaScript types
Convert HTML attribute names to React props
List of prototype properties for JavaScript types
List of properties for JavaScript objects
A clean React-like abstraction for rendering non-Angular components within an Angular app.
Runtime type checking for react-router props
Recursively rename the keys in an object.
Expand a string into a JavaScript object using a simple notation. Use the CLI or as a node.js lib.