Create nested values and any intermediaries using dot notation (`'a.b.c'`) paths.
Create nested values and any intermediaries using dot notation (`'a.b.c'`) paths.
Get, set, or delete nested properties of process.env using a dot path
Immutable version of dot-prop with some extensions
Get property value by dot notation
Work with nested JavaScript Objects and dot path strings
Work with nested JavaScript Objects and dot path strings
Retrieves a property from an object based on a 'path/to.that.prop'
A set of object mutators with dot paths and one neat addition...
Add `get`, `has`, `remove` and `set` methods to Vue componentes.
Check, get, set and remove properties from nested objects using any separator.
A set of object mutators with dot paths and one neat addition...
Check, get, set and remove properties from nested objects using any separator.
Immutable version of dot-prop with some extensions
Vue.set with dot notation support (`'a.b.c'`) paths.
Add `get`, `has`, `remove` and `set` methods to Vue componentes.
Curried version of dot-prop-immutable
Immutable version of dot-prop with some extensions
An immutable react/redux state update helper, easily handle nested state with less code.
A simple but powerful dot-notation prop path util
Set nested properties on an object using dot notation.