Represent amounts of stuff with units and conversions
Represent amounts of stuff with units and conversions
Concurrent control of functions on a per-pool basis with async/await
Pressure is a lightweight JavaScript library for both Force Touch and 3D Touch through a single API.
Cordova Plugin for the Altimeter to gather altitude related data.
Provides a backpressure management hystrix command partially based on too-busy module logic and utilizing hystrix metrics accumulation and circuit breaking
A Vue.js project of pressure.js
BME280 temperature/humidity/pressure sensor bridge for Homebridge:"
RTL_433 based sensor for Homebridge
I2C Driver for the BME280 humidity, pressure and temperature sensor
RTL_433 based temperature sensor for Homebridge
BME280 temperature/humidity/pressure sensor bridge for Homebridge:"
Obtain barometric and altitude readings for both Android and iOS
Native addon for accessing IMU/pressure/humidity/temperature sensors using RTIMULib2
Calculate the tendency, trend and weather predictions of barometric pressure
Convert altitude to pressure to altitude
Get pressure trend and weather predictions from a barometer over time
Wrapper of as HOC
Use either I2C or SPI to drive the Bosch BME280 Pressure / Temperature / Humidity sensor
homebridge plugin for Sense Hat equipped Raspberry PI
Makes data available in your Homebridge(Homekit) setup