@genus-machina/spice v1.0.5
Add a little spice to your day with a random curated quote or wallpaper.
Basic Usage
$ npm install -g spice
$ spice invoke
Spice pulls content from a number of different providers. Spice attempts to only pull new content rather than pulling the same content multiple times.
- apod -- Sets the desktop wallpaper to NASA's astronomy picture of the day.
- brainyquote -- Generates pop-up notifications with one of the quotes of the day.
- wikimedia -- Sets the desktop wallpaper to the Wikimedia Commons picture of the day.
xkcd -- Sets the desktop wallpaper to the current XKCD comic.
Normally the provider is selected at random based on what new content is available. However, a provider may be explicitly selected using the --provider
option. For example:
$ spice invoke --provider xkcd
More Randomness
In order to create a true sense of surprise and limit the amount of distraction, the --probability
option can be used to cause spice to randomly no-op. This can be useful when running spice on a schedule. For example, adding the following to a user's crontab should cause spice to run on random schedule that averages roughly one real invocation every three hours:
*/5 * * * * spice invoke --probability 0.03