5.2.0-300 • Published 3 years ago

@hmscore/hms-js-nearby v5.2.0-300

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Last release
3 years ago

JSB Nearby


1. Introduction

JSSDK Nearby Service Plugin enables communication between HUAWEI Nearby Kit and React Native, Cordova and Ionic platforms. This plugin exposes functionalities provided by HMS Core Nearby Service SDK. Detailed information about data types, constants and methods are provided by this document.

2. Installation Guide

Creating a Project in AppGallery Connect

Creating an app in AppGallery Connect is required in order to communicate with the Huawei services. To create an app, perform the following steps:

Step 1. Sign in to AppGallery Connect and select My projects.

Step 2. Select your project from the project list or create a new one by clicking the Add Project button.

Step 3. Go to Project Setting > General information, and click Add app. If an app exists in the project and you need to add a new one, expand the app selection area on the top of the page and click Add app.

Step 4. On the Add app page, enter the app information, and click OK.

  • A signing certificate fingerprint is used to verify the authenticity of an app when it attempts to access an HMS Core service through the HMS Core SDK. Before using HMS Core (APK), you must locally generate a signing certificate fingerprint and configure it in AppGallery Connect. Ensure that the JDK has been installed on your computer.

Configuring the Signing Certificate Fingerprint

Step 1. Go to Project Setting > General information. In the App information field, click the icon next to SHA-256 certificate fingerprint, and enter the obtained SHA256 certificate fingerprint.

Step 2. After completing the configuration, click check mark.

React-Native Integration

Step 1: Sign in to AppGallery Connect and select My projects.

Step 2: Find your app project, and click the desired app name.

Step 3: Go to Project Setting > General information. In the App information section, click agconnect-service.json to download the configuration file.

Step 4: Create a React Native project if you do not have one.

Step 5: Copy the agconnect-service.json file to the android/app directory of your React Native project.

Step 6: Copy the signature file that generated in Generating a Signing Certificate section, to the android/app directory of your React Native project.

Step 7: Check whether the agconnect-services.json file and signature file are successfully added to the android/app directory of the React Native project.

Step 8: Open the AndroidManifest.xml file, add the following lines, and replace the value <app_id> with the value you found in the agconnect-services.json file.

            android:value="appid=<app_id>" />

Step 9: Open the build.gradle file in the android directory of your React Native project.

  • Go to buildscript then configure the Maven repository address and agconnect plugin for the HMS SDK.
buildscript {
  repositories {
    maven { url 'https://developer.huawei.com/repo/' }

  dependencies {
      * <Other dependencies>
    classpath 'com.huawei.agconnect:agcp:'
  • Go to allprojects then configure the Maven repository address for the HMS SDK.
allprojects {
  repositories {
      * <Other repositories>
    maven { url 'https://developer.huawei.com/repo/' }

Step 10: Open the build.gradle file in the android/app directory of your React Native project.

  • Package name must match with the package_name entry in agconnect-services.json file.
defaultConfig {
  applicationId "<package_name>"
  minSdkVersion 21
   * <Other configurations>
android {
   * <Other configurations>

  signingConfigs {
    config {
      storeFile file('<keystore_file>.jks')
      storePassword '<keystore_password>'
      keyAlias '<key_alias>'
      keyPassword '<key_password>'

  buildTypes {
    debug {
      signingConfig signingConfigs.config
    release {
      signingConfig signingConfigs.config
      minifyEnabled enableProguardInReleaseBuilds

Step 11: Open the build.gradle file in the android/app directory of your React Native project.

  • Configure build dependencies.
buildscript {
  dependencies {
    * <Other dependencies>
    implementation ('com.huawei.hms:rn-adapter:'){
        exclude group: 'com.facebook.react'

Step 12: Import the following class to the MainApplication.java file of your project.

import com.huawei.hms.jsb.adapter.rn.RnJSBReactPackage;

Then, add the RnJSBReactPackage() to your getPackages method. In the end, your file will be similar to the following:

protected List<ReactPackage> getPackages() {
    List<ReactPackage> packages = new PackageList(this).getPackages();
    packages.add(new RnJSBReactPackage()); // <-- Add this line
    return packages;

Step 13: Download js-sdk using command below.

npm i @hmscore/hms-js-nearby

Step 14: Import HMSNearby in App.js as following line.

import HMSNearby from "@hmscore/hms-js-nearby";

Step 15: Call HMSNearby's init method to initialize.

import { NativeModules, DeviceEventEmitter } from "react-native";

HMSNearby.init(NativeModules, DeviceEventEmitter);

Step 16: Run your project.

  • Run the following command to the project directory.
react-native run-android

Cordova Integration

Step 1: Install Cordova CLI if haven't done before.

npm install -g cordova

Step 2: Create a new Cordova project or use the existing one.

  • To create new Cordova project, you can use cordova create path [id [name [config]]] [options] command. For more details please follow CLI Reference - Apache Cordova.

Step 3: Update the widget id property which is specified in the config.xml file. It must be same with package_name value of the agconnect-services.json file.

Step 4: Add the Android platform to the project if haven't done before.

cordova platform add android

Step 5: Download plugin using command below.

cordova plugin add @hmscore/hms-js-nearby

Step 6: Copy agconnect-services.json file to <project_root>/platforms/android/app directory.

Step 7: Add keystore(.jks) and build.json files to your project's root directory.

  • You can refer to 3rd and 4th steps of Generating a Signing Certificate Codelab tutorial page for generating keystore file.

  • Fill build.json file according to your keystore information. For example:

        "android": {
            "debug": {
                "keystore": "<keystore_file>.jks",
                "storePassword": "<keystore_password>",
                "alias": "<key_alias>",
                "password": "<key_password>"
            "release": {
                "keystore": "<keystore_file>.jks",
                "storePassword": "<keystore_password>",
                "alias": "<key_alias>",
                "password": "<key_password>"

Step 8: Import the following class to the MainActivity.java file of your project. You can find this file in platforms/android/app/src/main/java/<your_package_name> directory.

import com.huawei.hms.jsb.adapter.cordova.CordovaJSBInit;

Step 9: In the same file, add CordovaJSBInit.initJSBFramework(this) line after the super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) method call.

  • In the end, your file will be similar to the following:

    import com.huawei.hms.jsb.adapter.cordova.CordovaJSBInit;
    public class MainActivity extends CordovaActivity
        public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)

Step 10: Open the AndroidManifest.xml file, add the following lines, and replace the value <app_id> with the app_id value that can be found in the agconnect-services.json file.

            android:value="appid=<app_id>" />

Step 11: Run the app

cordova run android

Step 12: Allow all permissions to the app from phone settings.

Ionic Integration

Install Ionic CLI and other required tools if haven't done before.

npm install -g @ionic/cli cordova-res native-run

Ionic with Cordova Runtime

Step 1: Enable the Cordova integration if haven't done before.

ionic integrations enable cordova

Step 2: Update the widget id property which is specified in the config.xml file. It must be same with package_name value of the agconnect-services.json file.

Step 3: Add the Android platform to the project if haven't done before.

ionic cordova platform add android

Step 4: Install HMS Nearby Plugin to the project.

ionic cordova plugin add @hmscore/hms-js-nearby

Step 5: Copy agconnect-services.json file to <project_root>/platforms/android/app directory.

Step 6: Add keystore(.jks) and build.json files to your project's root directory.

  • You can refer to 3rd and 4th steps of Generating a Signing Certificate Codelab tutorial page for generating keystore file.

  • Fill build.json file according to your keystore information. For example:

        "android": {
            "debug": {
                "keystore": "<keystore_file>.jks",
                "storePassword": "<keystore_password>",
                "alias": "<key_alias>",
                "password": "<key_password>"
            "release": {
                "keystore": "<keystore_file>.jks",
                "storePassword": "<keystore_password>",
                "alias": "<key_alias>",
                "password": "<key_password>"

Step 7: Import the following class to the MainActivity.java file of your project. You can find this file in platforms/android/app/src/main/java/<your_package_name> directory.

import com.huawei.hms.jsb.adapter.cordova.CordovaJSBInit;

Step 8: In the same file, add CordovaJSBInit.initJSBFramework(this) line after the super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) method call.

  • In the end, your file will be similar to the following:

    import com.huawei.hms.jsb.adapter.cordova.CordovaJSBInit;
    public class MainActivity extends CordovaActivity
        public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)

Step 9: Open the AndroidManifest.xml file, add the following lines, and replace the value <app_id> with the app_id value that can be found in the agconnect-services.json file.

            android:value="appid=<app_id>" />

Step 10: Run the application.

ionic cordova run android --device

Step 11: Allow all permissions to the app from phone settings.

Ionic with Capacitor Runtime

Step 1: Enable the Capacitor integration if haven't done before.

ionic integrations enable capacitor

Step 2: Initialize Capacitor if haven't done before. The appId property must be same with package_name value of the agconnect-services.json file.

npx cap init [appName] [appId]

Step 3: Install HMS Nearby plugin to the project.

npm install @hmscore/hms-js-nearby

Step 4: Build Ionic app to generate resource files.

ionic build

Step 5: Add the Android platform to the project.

npx cap add android

Step 6: Copy keystore(.jks) and agconnect-services.json files to <project_root>/android/app directory.

Step 7: Open the build.gradle file in the <project_root>/android/app directory.

  • Add signingConfigs entry to the android section and modify it according to your keystore.

  • Enable signingConfig configuration for debug and release flavors.


android {


    // Modify signingConfigs according to your keystore
    signingConfigs {
        config {
            storeFile file('<keystore_file>.jks')
            storePassword '<keystore_password>'
            keyAlias '<key_alias>'
            keyPassword '<key_password>'
    buildTypes {
        debug {
            signingConfig signingConfigs.config // Enable signingConfig for debug flavor
        release {
            signingConfig signingConfigs.config // Enable signingConfig for release flavor
            minifyEnabled false
            proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), 'proguard-rules.pro'


apply plugin: 'com.huawei.agconnect' // Apply com.huawei.agconnect plugin. This line must be added to the end of the file.

Step 8: Open the build.gradle file in the <project_root>/android directory. Add Huawei's maven repositories and agconnect classpath to the file.

buildscript {
    repositories {
            <Other repositories>
        maven { url 'https://developer.huawei.com/repo/' }
    dependencies {
            <Other dependencies>
        classpath 'com.huawei.agconnect:agcp:'

    <Other build.gradle entries>

allprojects {
    repositories {
            <Other repositories>
        maven { url 'https://developer.huawei.com/repo/' }

Step 9: Import the following class to the MainActivity.java file of your project. You can find this file in android/app/src/main/java/<your_package_name> directory.

import com.huawei.hms.js.nearby.HMSNearby;

Step 10: In the same file, add add(HMSNearby.class) line inside the this.init(savedInstanceState, new ArrayList<Class<? extends Plugin>>() method.

  • In the end, your file will be similar to the following:

    import com.huawei.hms.js.nearby.HMSNearby;
    public class MainActivity extends BridgeActivity
        public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
            // Initializes the Bridge
            this.init(savedInstanceState, new ArrayList<Class<? extends Plugin>>() {{
                // Additional plugins you've installed go here
                // Ex: add(TotallyAwesomePlugin.class);

Step 11: Open the AndroidManifest.xml file, add the following lines, and replace the value <app_id> with the app_id value that can be found in the agconnect-services.json file.

            android:value="appid=<app_id>" />

Step 12: Updates dependencies, and copy any web assets to your project.

npx cap sync

Step 13: Open the project in Android Studio and run it.

npx cap open android

Step 14: Allow all permissions to the app from phone settings.

3. API Reference


Public Method Summary

MethodReturn TypeDescription
putMessage(putRequest)Promise<Result\>Publishes a message to the cloud and broadcasts a sharing code for nearby devices to scan.
unPutMessage(unPutRequest)Promise<Result\>Cancels a published message. The message will be deleted from the cloud.
getMessage(getRequest, callback)Promise<Result\>Obtains the message published by a nearby device.
unGetMessage(unGetRequest)Promise<Result\>Cancels a registered message subscription task.
onStopMessageEnginePromise<Result\>Stops message engine.
hmsCoreHeartBeatPromise<Result\>Sends HeartBeat to HMS Core.

3.1.2 Public Methods


putRequestPutRequestPublished message parameters.
Return TypeDescription
Promise<Result\>If the operation is successful, promise will resolve published message id and message sequence.

Call Example

const request = {
    mMsg: {
        mContent: [66,65,83,75,69,84,66,65,76,76,95,48],
        mNamespace: "_reserved_namespace",
        mType: "NBA"
    mPermission: HMSNearby.Permission.PERMISSION_DEFAULT,
    mPolicy: {
        distanceType: HMSNearby.DistanceType.POLICY_DISTANCE_TYPE_DEFAULT,
        findingMode: HMSNearby.FindingMode.POLICY_FINDING_MODE_DEFAULT,
        ttlSeconds: 300
    .then((response) => {
    .catch((err) => {

Example Response



unPutRequestUnPutRequestParameters to cancel published message.
Return TypeDescription
Promise<Result\>If the operation is successful, promise will resolve successfully. Otherwise it throws an error.

Call Example

const request = {
    mMsg: {
        mContent: [66,65,83,75,69,84,66,65,76,76,95,48],
        mNamespace: "_reserved_namespace",
        mType: "NBA"
    mMsgId: 2,
    mMsgSeq: 0
    .then((response) => {
    .catch((err) => {

HMSNearby.getMessage(getRequest, callback)

getRequestGetRequestMessage subscription parameters.
callback(response: GetMessageEvent) => voidMessage events will trigger.
Return TypeDescription
Promise<Result\>If the operation is successful, promise will resolve successfully. Otherwise it throws an error.

Call Example

const request = {
    mMessagePicker: {
        isIncludeAll: true
    mPermission: HMSNearby.Permission.PERMISSION_DEFAULT,
    mPolicy: {
        ttlSeconds: HMSNearby.TtlSeconds.POLICY_TTL_SECONDS_INFINITE,
        distanceType: HMSNearby.DistanceType.POLICY_DISTANCE_TYPE_DEFAULT,
        findingMode: HMSNearby.FindingMode.POLICY_FINDING_MODE_DEFAULT
    mSessionId: "1ea95c89-c94b-4319-8fcd-424e700a9d4b"

const callback = (event) => {

HMSNearby.getMessage(request, callback)
    .then((response) => {
    .catch((err) => {

Example Callback Response



unGetRequestUnGetRequestParameters to cancel subscription.
Return TypeDescription
Promise<Result\>If the operation is successful, promise will resolve successfully. Otherwise it throws an error.

Call Example

const request = {
    mSessionId: "1ea95c89-c94b-4319-8fcd-424e700a9d4b"
    .then((response) => {
    .catch((err) => {


Return TypeDescription
Promise<Result\>If the operation is successful, promise will resolve successfully. Otherwise it throws an error.

Call Example

    .then((response) => {
    .catch((err) => {


Return TypeDescription
Promise<Result\>If the operation is successful, promise will resolve successfully. Otherwise it throws an error.

Call Example

    .then((response) => {
    .catch((err) => {

Data Types


uidstring10-byte namespace of an Eddystone UID (in hexadecimal format), for example, c526dfec5403adc62585.
isIncludeInstancebooleanSets whether include instance.
instancestringOptional parameter. 6-byte instance of an Eddystone UID (in hexadecimal format), for example, 32ddbcad1576.


isIncludeMajorbooleanSets whether include major.
isIncludeMinorbooleanSets whether include minor.
majorstringOptional parameter. Major value.
minorstringOptional parameter. Minor value.


namespacestringNamespace of a message. It indicates custom message types. A namespace can contain multiple types of messages. The value cannot be empty and cannot contain asterisks (*).
typestringType of a message. It indicates custom messages. The value cannot be empty and cannot contain asterisks (*).


isIncludeAllbooleanOptional parameter. Filters all published messages in the project on Huawei Developers which the current app belongs.
eddystoneUidUidInstance[]Optional parameter. Filters the original information of the target Eddystone ID.
iBeaconInfoIBeaconInfo[]Optional parameter. Filters the original information of the target iBeacon ID.
messageTypeNamespaceType[]Optional parameter. Picks among all messages in the specified namespace and with the specified type. A namespace can be specified only for beacon messages.


distanceTypeDistanceTypeFor message publishing, the published message will only be delivered to subscribing devices that are at the most specified distance. For message subscription, messages will only be delivered if the publishing device is at the most specified distance.
findingModeFindingModeSets the finding mode of the current policy.
ttlSecondsTtlSecondsSets TTL for message publishing and subscription. For message publishing, you need to set TTL of the message. For message subscription, you need to set TTL of the current task.


mMessagePickerMessagePickerSets the rule for filtering messages to be received.
mPermissionPermissionSets message permissions.
mPolicyMessagePolicySets a message subscription policy.




mContentnumber[]Message content. The length cannot exceed 65536.
mNamespacestringOptional parameter. Message type. The length cannot exceed 16.
mTypestringOptional parameter. Domain namespace. The default value is _reserved_namespace.


mMsgMessageMessage published to the cloud. This message can be subscribed by nearby devices.
mPermissionPermissionSets message permissions.
mPolicyMessagePolicySets the policy for publishing messages.


mMsgIdnumberPublished message id.
mMsgSeqnumberPublished message sequence.


mMsgMessagePublished message.
mMsgIdnumberMessage id.
mMsgSeqnumberMessage sequence.


mIsFoundbooleanChecks whether message is found.
mMsgTypenumberMessage Type.
mSharingCodeMsgBitmapstringSharing code bitmap.
mSharingCodeMessageListCloudAppMsgResponseInfo[]Message list shared by app.
mBeaconMessageListCloudBeaconMsgResponseInfo[]Message list shared by beacon.
mTxPowernumberTransmit power from 1 meter away, in dBm.
mRssinumberReceived signal strength, in dBm. The value range is –127,127. This value is a weighted value. The shorter the distance is, the higher the weight is, and the stronger the signal is.
mOrgBleScanDataStrstringSharing code.
mIsSignalChangedbooleanChecks whether signal is changed.
mIsDistanceChangedbooleanChecks whether distance is changed.
mIsNewbooleanChecks whether message is new.


msgDatastringMessage content.
msgTagstringMessage Tag.
msgIdnumberMessage id.
msgSeqnumberMessage sequence.
mIsFoundbooleanChecks whether message is found.


attachmentIdstringBeacon attachment id.
namespacestringBeacon namespace.
typestringBeacon message type.
valuestringBeacon content.
mIsFoundbooleanChecks whether message is found.
mIsSignalChangedbooleanChecks whether signal is changed.
mIsDistanceChangedbooleanChecks whether distance is changed.
mIsNewbooleanChecks whether message is new.

Constant Values


POLICY_DISTANCE_TYPE_DEFAULT0This mode allows messages to be transmitted over any distance. The maximum distance is the connectable distance of Bluetooth signals.
POLICY_DISTANCE_TYPE_EARSHOT1This mode allows messages to be transmitted only within the earshot. Here refers to the ultrasonic transmission range. Currently, the Message API does not support ultrasonic data transmission. Therefore, this distance type is not supported.


POLICY_FINDING_MODE_DEFAULT0This mode supports both broadcast and scanning functions.
POLICY_FINDING_MODE_BROADCAST1This mode only supports broadcast. The scanning function is restricted.
POLICY_FINDING_MODE_SCAN2This mode only supports to scan nearby devices. The broadcast function is restricted.


POLICY_TTL_SECONDS_MAX86400Maximum TTL, in seconds.
POLICY_TTL_SECONDS_INFINITE2147483647TTL is unlimited.


PERMISSION_DEFAULT0Default permission. It grants all required permissions.
PERMISSION_BLUETOOTH2Bluetooth permission.
PERMISSION_MICROPHONE3Microphone permission. This permission defines the ultrasonic data broadcast function. Currently, Nearby Message is not supported.
PERMISSION_NONE-1No permission.

4. Configuration and Description

Configuring Obfuscation Scripts

React Native

In order to prevent error while release build, you may need to add following lines in proguard-rules.pro file.

-keepattributes *Annotation*
-keepattributes Exceptions
-keepattributes InnerClasses
-keepattributes Signature
-keep class com.hianalytics.android.**{*;}
-keep class com.huawei.updatesdk.**{*;}
-keep class com.huawei.hms.**{*;}


Before building the APK, configure the obfuscation configuration file to prevent the HMS Core SDK from being obfuscated.

NOTE: This step is required only if you want to minify and obfuscate your app. By default obfuscation is disabled in Cordova and Ionic apps.

The obfuscation is done by ProGuard. By default, in Cordova and Ionic apps ProGuard is disabled. Even though ProGuard is not available, ProGuard support can be added through 3rd party ProGuard plugins. If ProGuard is enabled in your project, the Huawei Cordova Nearby plugin's ProGuard rules need to be added to your project. These rules are as follows:

-keepattributes *Annotation*
-keepattributes Exceptions
-keepattributes InnerClasses
-keepattributes Signature
-keep class com.huawei.hianalytics.**{*;}
-keep class com.huawei.updatesdk.**{*;}
-keep class com.huawei.hms.**{*;}

5. Questions or Issues

If you have questions about how to use HMS samples, try the following options:

  • Stack Overflow is the best place for any programming questions. Be sure to tag your question with huawei-mobile-services.
  • Huawei Developer Forum HMS Core Module is great for general questions, or seeking recommendations and opinions.
  • Huawei Developer Docs is place to official documentation for all HMS Core Kits, you can find detailed documentations in there.

6. Licensing and Terms

Huawei JS SDK is licensed under Apache 2.0 license.