Super fast geo queries.
Super fast geo queries.
Uber fast nearby locations search by coordinates. Supports GeoJSON.
Find the nearest location and get distance from locations list without network request
A mouse move event nearby directive for Angular
An async Google Nearby Messages API Wrapper for React Native (Android & iOS)
Uses Bluetooth LE to scan and advertise for nearby devices
Super fast proximity searches of geo coordinates.
Get the nearby point to one location (lat, lon) in a route
React render-prop component to get the proximity of the cursor to a DOM node.
React Native wrapper around Google's Nearby API SDK
Super fast promisified geo queries.
Uber fast nearby locations search by coordinates. Supports GeoJSON.
React Native wrapper around Google's Nearby API SDK
React Native wrapper around Google's Nearby API SDK
React Native wrapper around Google's Nearby API SDK
React Native wrapper around Google's Nearby API SDK
store and retrieve data in leveldb using a lat/long pair in a given radius
Utility for getting nearby items from array.
Select single or multiple images, with cropping option
React Native Wrapper for the Google Nearby SDK