A React component for Google Maps Places Autocomplete
A React component for Google Maps Places Autocomplete
A pure JavaScript/ES5.1 port of Google/Niantic's S2 Geometry library (used by Ingress, Pokemon GO)
Libraries of geodesy functions
Gustavo Niemeyer’s geocoding system
A utility for getting geo-location information via HTML5 and IP look-ups, geocoding, address look-ups, distance and durations, timezone information and more...
format decimal lat/lon coords into degrees/minutes/seconds formats (like DMS).
Haversine formula in Javascript, in meters, nothing else
Tools to help with TMS, Quadkey & Google (XYZ) Tiles
LatLng to UTM converter vice versa
All the 138,398 cities of the world with a population of at least 1000 inhabitants, in a big JSON array
Determines if an array contains a valid set of numbers for representing latitude and longitude coordinates
get reverse-geocoded location data for latitude and longitude values
Converts coordinates (e.g. lat/long to MGRS)
Geodesy representation conversion functions.
Parse out a longitude and latitude from a value that is either a string or object.
Determine timezone from lat/long
Determine the great-circle distance between two points on a sphere given their longitudes and latitudes
A set of functions to format latitude and longitude angles
parse coordinate strings
Get an IP or hostname location.