1.0.0 • Published 16 days ago

@hoangcung1804npm/occaecati-molestias-unde v1.0.0

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A date picker for your React app.

  • Pick days, months, years, or even decades
  • Supports virtually any language
  • No moment.js needed


  • Install by executing npm install @hoangcung1804npm/occaecati-molestias-unde or yarn add @hoangcung1804npm/occaecati-molestias-unde.
  • Import by adding import DatePicker from '@hoangcung1804npm/occaecati-molestias-unde'.
  • Use by adding <DatePicker />. Use onChange prop for getting new values.


A minimal demo page can be found in sample directory.

Online demo is also available!

Consider native alternative

If you don't need to support legacy browsers and don't need the advanced features this package provides, consider using native date input instead. It's more accessible, adds no extra weight to your bundle, and works better on mobile devices.

<input aria-label="Date" type="date" />

Looking for a time picker or a datetime picker?

React-Date-Picker will play nicely with React-Time-Picker and React-DateTime-Picker. Check them out!

Getting started


Your project needs to use React 16.3 or later. If you use an older version of React, please refer to the table below to find a suitable React-Date-Picker version.

React versionNewest compatible React-Date-Picker version

React-Calendar, on which React-Date-Picker relies heavily, uses modern web technologies. That's why it's so fast, lightweight and easy to style. This, however, comes at a cost of supporting only modern browsers.


Add React-Date-Picker to your project by executing npm install @hoangcung1804npm/occaecati-molestias-unde or yarn add @hoangcung1804npm/occaecati-molestias-unde.


Here's an example of basic usage:

import { useState } from 'react';
import DatePicker from '@hoangcung1804npm/occaecati-molestias-unde';

type ValuePiece = Date | null;

type Value = ValuePiece | [ValuePiece, ValuePiece];

function MyApp() {
  const [value, onChange] = useState<Value>(new Date());

  return (
      <DatePicker onChange={onChange} value={value} />

Custom styling

If you want to use default React-Date-Picker and React-Calendar styling to build upon it, you can import them by using:

import '@hoangcung1804npm/occaecati-molestias-unde/dist/DatePicker.css';
import 'react-calendar/dist/Calendar.css';

User guide


Displays an input field complete with custom inputs, native input, and a calendar.


Prop nameDescriptionDefault valueExample values
autoFocusAutomatically focuses the input on mount.n/atrue
calendarAriaLabelaria-label for the calendar button.n/a"Toggle calendar"
calendarPropsProps to pass to React-Calendar component.n/aSee React-Calendar documentation
calendarIconContent of the calendar button. Setting the value explicitly to null will hide the icon.(default icon)String: "Calendar"React element: <CalendarIcon />React function: CalendarIcon
classNameClass name(s) that will be added along with "@hoangcung1804npm/occaecati-molestias-unde" to the main React-Date-Picker <div> element.n/aString: "class1 class2"Array of strings: ["class1", "class2 class3"]
clearAriaLabelaria-label for the clear button.n/a"Clear value"
clearIconContent of the clear button. Setting the value explicitly to null will hide the icon.(default icon)String: "Clear"React element: <ClearIcon />React function: ClearIcon
closeCalendarWhether to close the calendar on value selection. Note: It's recommended to use shouldCloseCalendar function instead.truefalse
data-testiddata-testid attribute for the main React-Date-Picker <div> element.n/a"date-picker"
dayAriaLabelaria-label for the day input.n/a"Day"
dayPlaceholderplaceholder for the day input."--""dd"
disableCalendarWhen set to true, will remove the calendar and the button toggling its visibility.falsetrue
disabledWhether the date picker should be disabled.falsetrue
formatInput format based on Unicode Technical Standard #35. Supported values are: y, M, MM, MMM, MMMM, d, dd. Note: When using SSR, setting this prop may help resolving hydration errors caused by locale mismatch between server and client.n/a"y-MM-dd"
idid attribute for the main React-Date-Picker <div> element.n/a"date-picker"
isOpenWhether the calendar should be opened.falsetrue
localeLocale that should be used by the date picker and the calendar. Can be any IETF language tag. Note: When using SSR, setting this prop may help resolving hydration errors caused by locale mismatch between server and client.Server locale/User's browser settings"hu-HU"
maxDateMaximum date that the user can select. Periods partially overlapped by maxDate will also be selectable, although React-Date-Picker will ensure that no later date is selected.n/aDate: new Date()
maxDetailThe most detailed calendar view that the user shall see. View defined here also becomes the one on which clicking an item in the calendar will select a date and pass it to onChange. Can be "month", "year", "decade" or "century"."month""year"
minDateMinimum date that the user can select. Periods partially overlapped by minDate will also be selectable, although React-Date-Picker will ensure that no earlier date is selected.n/aDate: new Date()
monthAriaLabelaria-label for the month input.n/a"Month"
monthPlaceholderplaceholder for the month input."--""mm"
nameInput name."date""myCustomName"
nativeInputAriaLabelaria-label for the native date input.n/a"Date"
onCalendarCloseFunction called when the calendar closes.n/a() => alert('Calendar closed')
onCalendarOpenFunction called when the calendar opens.n/a() => alert('Calendar opened')
onChangeFunction called when the user picks a valid date. If any of the fields were excluded using custom format, new Date(y, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0), where y is the current year, is going to serve as a "base".n/a(value) => alert('New date is: ', value)
onFocusFunction called when the user focuses an input.n/a(event) => alert('Focused input: ', event.target.name)
onInvalidChangeFunction called when the user picks an invalid date.n/a() => alert('Invalid date')
openCalendarOnFocusWhether to open the calendar on input focus. Note: It's recommended to use shouldOpenCalendar function instead.truefalse
portalContainerElement to render the calendar in using portal.n/adocument.getElementById('my-div')
requiredWhether date input should be required.falsetrue
returnValueWhich dates shall be passed by the calendar to the onChange function and onClick{Period} functions. Can be "start", "end" or "range". The latter will cause an array with start and end values to be passed."start""range"
shouldCloseCalendarFunction called before the calendar closes. reason can be "buttonClick", "escape", "outsideAction", or "select". If it returns false, the calendar will not close.n/a({ reason }) => reason !== 'outsideAction'
shouldOpenCalendarFunction called before the calendar opens. reason can be "buttonClick" or "focus". If it returns false, the calendar will not open.n/a({ reason }) => reason !== 'focus'
showLeadingZerosWhether leading zeros should be rendered in date inputs.falsetrue
valueInput value. Note that if you pass an array of values, only first value will be fully utilized.n/aDate: new Date(2017, 0, 1)String: "2017-01-01"An array of dates: [new Date(2017, 0, 1), new Date(2017, 7, 1)]An array of strings: ["2017-01-01", "2017-08-01"]
yearAriaLabelaria-label for the year input.n/a"Year"
yearPlaceholderaria-label for the year input."----""yyyy"


DatePicker component passes all props to React-Calendar, with the exception of className (you can use calendarClassName for that instead). There are tons of customizations you can do! For more information, see Calendar component props.


The MIT License.


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16 days ago