A regular expression to match all Emoji-only symbols as per the Unicode Standard.
A regular expression to match all Emoji-only symbols as per the Unicode Standard.
Complete list of standard emojis.
Regular expression for matching astral symbols
Friendly emoji lookups and parsing utilities for Node.js. 💖
A JavaScript library that breaks strings into their individual user-perceived characters. It supports emojis!
An advanced font engine for Node and the browser
Elegant console output, borrowed from Yarn
Emoji plugin for markdown-it markdown parser.
Emoji picker for the web
Angular library that uses marked to parse markdown to html combined with Prism.js for synthax highlights
Emoji transformer plugin for Remark
Continents & countries: ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code, name, ISO 639-1 languages, capital, currency, native name, phone. JSON, CSV and SQL.
A Unicode standard based way to implement emoji across all platforms.
Convert a locale id string (LCID) to a unicode regional indicator symbol.
JoyPixels is a complete set of emoji designed for the web. The emoji-toolkit includes libraries to easily convert unicode characters to shortnames (:smile:) and shortnames to JoyPixels emoji images. PNG formats provided for the emoji images.
Emoji keyword library.
Get the unicode version for a given emoji name
Emoji data and images
Zero-dependency unicode-aware string tools
React library to safely render HTML, filter attributes, autowrap text, autolink, and much more.