Easy way to split a string on a given character unless it's quoted or escaped.
Easy way to split a string on a given character unless it's quoted or escaped.
A regex to match any full character, considering weird character ranges.
Take a nested Javascript object and flatten it, or unflatten an object with delimited keys
Split a string on the first occurance of a given separator
construct pipes of streams of events
Filesystem-buffered, passthrough stream that buffers indefinitely rather than propagate backpressure from downstream consumers.
gets the package name for a require statement
A JavaScript library that breaks strings into their individual user-perceived characters. It supports emojis!
A JavaScript Regular Expression library, extending the standard RegExp class with missing functionality
Safely push each item of an array to a stream
Simple module to split a single certificate authority chain file (aka: bundle, ca-bundle, ca-chain, etc.) into an array, as expected by the node.js tls api.
An ESnext spec-compliant shim/polyfill/replacement for all Well-Known Symbols that works in any environment with Symbols.
Excel Workbook Manager - Read and Write xlsx and csv Files.
parses number and unit, '20px' into [20, 'px']
Chop a single stream of data into a series of readable streams
turf line-split module
Splits a convex polygon by a plane
Pipe data through a stream until some fixed length is reached, then callback.
Split string by any separator excluding brackets, quotes and escaped characters
Splits strings into tokens by given separator except treating quoted part as a single token.