@hubiinetwork/soldoc v0.5.0-alpha.4
A documentation generator for solidity projects, inspired by TypeDoc.
SolDoc can be used as a CLI app or as a library and called from your code.
As a CLI tool
- Install:
yarn global add @soldoc/soldoc
/npm i -g @soldoc/soldoc
. Use the CLI:
Usage: cli.js --in <input dir> -o <out dir> Options: --help Show help [boolean] --version Show version number [boolean] --options Path to JSON config file --in Specifies the location the input files should be read from. [string] [default: "./contracts"] --json, -j Output the parsed information to a json file instead of rendering. [string] --out, -o Specifies the location the documentation should be written to. [string] [default: "./docs"] --quiet, -q No stdout output [boolean] [default: false] --theme, -t Specifies a npm module that exports a default `render(filepath,contractName,contactInfo,options): {content,extension}` function [string] [default: "@soldoc/markdown"] --repo-url, -r Specifies remote repository url. Uses `repository` field in `package.json` if available and not specified. [string] --log, -l Specifies the location the log file should be written to. [string] Examples: cli.js --in ./contracts -o ./docs Render `.sol` files in `./contracts` into `.docs` For more information, visit https://github.com/dev-matan-tsuberi/soldoc
As a library
- Install:
yarn add --dev @soldoc/soldoc
/npm i --save-dev @soldoc/soldoc
. Import in your project as:
import soldoc from '@soldoc/soldoc'; /* default options */ soldoc.defaults = { in: './contracts', out: './docs', /* json: undefined, */ /* repoUrl: undefined, */ /* log: undefined, */ quiet: false, theme: '@soldoc/markdown', }; soldoc(options); // returns a promise
SolDoc is easily themeable, installing a theme is as simple as yarn add @soldoc/<theme>
/ npm i --save @soldoc/<theme>
and setting a configuration option:
1. In the cli: soldoc --theme @soldoc/<theme>
2. In code: soldoc({theme: '@soldoc/<theme>'})
Currently the official themes are:
1. @soldoc/markdown *Default* - A simple markdown theme.
@soldoc/json - A theme that just outputs a JSON object.
2. Create a theme!
You can pass custom options to <theme>
under it's name, example:
"theme": "@soldoc/markdown",
"@soldoc/markdown": {
Get started:
git clone git@github.com:dev-matan-tsuberi/soldoc.git && cd soldoc
yarn lerna bootstrap
- Done.
Note: This project is managed as a monorepo and uses lerna.js.
This project needs contributors!
Pull requests are very welcome and needed.
Check out issues with label help wanted
to get started.
6 years ago
6 years ago
6 years ago
6 years ago
6 years ago