0.3.0 • Published 1 year ago

@iamkenos/hornet v0.3.0

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Last release
1 year ago


WebdriverIO that comes with presets and additional features:


  • NodeJS ≥ 16.3.0 or ≤ LTS
  • JRE ≥ 8

Get Started

You'll need a working knowledge of WebdriverIO to be able to use this library. They have rich documentation so head on over the site and read on if you're not familiar with it yet.

  1. Get it: npm install @iamkenos/hornet

  2. Create a tsconfig.json file:

      "compilerOptions": {
        "baseUrl": "./",
        "downlevelIteration": true,
        "esModuleInterop": true,
        "types": [
      "include": ["./**/*.ts"]
  3. Create your WebdriverIO config file: wdio.conf.ts

    import { configure } from "@iamkenos/hornet/config";
    // you can set most of the wdio config props from here, leave some that are restricted.
    // e.g. the `framework` prop cannot be overriden as it's fixed to cucumber
    export const config = configure({
      baseUrl: "https://the-internet.herokuapp.com/"
  4. Create your page metadata files:

    // fixtures/app.meta.ts
    export default {
      default: {
        url: "/",
        title: "The Internet",
        selectors: {
          flash: "#flash"
    // fixtures/login.meta.ts
    import merge from "lodash/merge";
    import app from "./app.meta";
    export default merge({}, app, {
      default: {
        url: "/login",
        selectors: {
          Username: "#username",
          Password: "#password",
          Login: "//button[@type='submit']"
    // fixtures/secure.meta.ts
    import merge from "lodash/merge";
    import app from "./app.meta";
    export default merge({}, app, {
      default: {
        url: "/secure"
  5. Create your feature file: features/login.feature

    Feature: Login
        Given I am on the "login" page
      Scenario: S01: Login with valid credentials
        When I type on the fields:
          | Field    | Value                |
          | Username | tomsmith             |
          | Password | SuperSecretPassword! |
          And I click the "Login" button
        Then I expect to be on the "secure" page
          And I expect the "flash" element text to contain "You logged into a secure area!"
      Scenario: S02: Login with invalid credentials
        When I type on the fields:
          | Field    | Value  |
          | Username | foobar |
          | Password | barfoo |
          And I click the "Login" button
        Then I expect to still be on the "login" page
          And I expect the "flash" element text to contain "Your username is invalid!"
  6. Run it: npx wdio wdio.conf.ts

  7. Check the results: npx allure open .reports/allure/html

  8. You can view other gherkin steps available out-of-the-box here.




Huge thanks to the WebdriverIO team for their awesome work!




  • full api documentation
  • other TODOs