1.3.0 • Published 4 years ago

@infglef/ngrx-state v1.3.0

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4 years ago

Ngrx-state functions


Using init-state


name (The state name)
data (Boolean that determines whether to add a data level to the state)
container (Boolean that determines whether to add a container level to the state)
path (optional)
project (optional)
module (optional)

Created structure with all options true:

├── ...
├── statemanagement
│   ├── effects
│   │       └── {name}-root.effects.ts
│   ├── reducers
│   │       │── container
│   │       │    └── {name}-container.reducer.ts
│   │       │── data
│   │       │    └── {name}-data.reducer.ts
│   │       └── {name}-root.reducer.ts
│   ├── selectors
│   │       │── container
│   │       │    └── {name}-container.selectors.ts
│   │       │── data
│   │       │    └── {name}-data.selectors.ts
│   │       └── {name}-root.selectors.ts
│   └── state
│         │── container
│         │    └── {name}-container.state.ts
│         │── data
│         │    └── {name}-data.state.ts
│         └── {name}-root.state.ts
└── ...

The closest NgModule will then include imports of the ngrx modules StoreModule and if the effects option is checked the EffectsModule.

Using add-action


name (The action name)
path (optional)
project (optional)
module (optional)

Created structure:

├── ...
├── statemanagement
│   └── actions
│          └── {name}.actions.ts
└── ...

Using add-effect


name (The effect name)
path (optional)
project (optional)
module (optional)

Created structure:

├── ...
├── statemanagement
│   └── effects
│          ├─── {name}.effects.ts
│          └─── {name}-root.effects.ts      (This wil be created if it doesn't exist and the ngrx module will be added to the closest NgModule) 
└── ...

Using add-state


name (The state name) type (The type of state eg: container as seen in the init-state schematic)
path (optional)
project (optional)
module (optional)

Created structure with all options:

├── ...
├── statemanagement
│   ├── reducers
│   │       └── {type}
│   │             └── {name}-{type}.reducer.ts
│   ├── selectors
│   │       └── {type}
│   │             └── {name}-{type}.selectors.ts
│   └── state
│         └── {type}
│               └── {name}-{type}.state.ts
└── ...

Next to creating these files this schematic also adjusts the correlating root-reducer & state.ts

Using add-reducer


name (The reducer name) stateLevel (The state level name eg in init-state with data checked then you could use data as a value) className (The returned class of the reducer) array (boolean to make the return value of the reducer an array and not a single class) type (The type of state eg: container as seen in the init-state schematic)
actionType (optional) selector (optional) (boolean whether to add a selector) path (optional)
project (optional)
module (optional)

Created structure with all options:

├── ...
├── statemanagement
│   └── reducers
│           └── {stateLevel}
│                 └── {name}.reducer.ts
└── ...    

Depending on the options the stateLevel state will be adjusted to the return value. The stateLevel reducer will also be adjusted accordingly. If the selector option is true a selector will be added to the stateLevel selectors.

Using init-effects


name (The effects name)
path (optional)
project (optional)
module (optional)

Created structure with all options:

├── ...
├── statemanagement
│   └── effects
│          └─── {name}-root.effects.ts 
└── ...

The ngrx effects module will be added as an import to the closest NgModule

Using add-sandbox


name (The effects name)
importRootState (add rootState to constructor) path (optional)
project (optional)
module (optional)

Created structure with all options:

├── ...
├── sandbox
│   └── {name}.sandbox.ts
└── ...