1.0.7 • Published 3 months ago

@intercoin/fundcontract v1.0.7

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3 months ago




Deployment can be done in several ways: 1. Through the intercoin factory mechanism. 2. Deploy FundFactory before and call the method produce. 3. Deploy FundContract directly on the network and call the method init.

In all cases, parameters need to be specified:

_sellingTokenaddressaddress of the ITR token0x6Ef5febbD2A56FAb23f18a69d3fB9F4E2A70440B
_timestampsuint256[]array of timestamps (GMT)1609459200, 1614556800, 1619827200
_pricesuint256[]array of prices for the exchange in ETH (multiplied by 1e8)12000000, 15000000, 18000000
_endTimeuint256the time after which the exchange will be stopped1630454400
_thresholdsuint256[]thresholds of ETH (in wei) that trigger bonuses for group members10000000000000000000, 25000000000000000000, 50000000000000000000
_bonusesuint256[]bonuses in percentages (multiplied by 100), e.g., 10%, 20%, 30% or 0.1, 0.2, 0.510, 20, 50
_ownerCanWithdrawenum(never, afterEndTime, anytime)an option representing the owner's ability to withdraw tokens left in the contract1
_whitelistData{address contractAddress, bytes4 method, uint8 role, bool useWhitelist;}settings for the whitelist. The exchange can only be accessed by whitelisted individuals. For more information, see the Intercoin/Whitelist repository. In example "internal whitelist"0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000,0x95a8c58d,0x4,true


Once installed, methods can be used for exchange.


Method NameCalled ByDescription
getConfigAnyoneRetrieves data with which the contract was initialized.
receiveAnyoneAn internal method triggered when the contract receives ETH. It exchanges ETH for tokens.
getGroupBonusAnyoneRetrieves the current group bonus.
getTokenPriceAnyoneRetrieves the current token price.
withdrawOwnerWithdraws a specified amount of tokens to a given address.
withdrawAllOwnerWithdraws all tokens to the owner (sender).
claimOwnerClaims a specified amount of ETH to a given address.
claimAllOwnerClaims all ETH to the owner (sender).
setGroupOwnerLinks participants to a group.


Returns the parameters with which the contract was initialized.


Parameters: name | type | description --|--|-- groupName|string| The name of the group.

Returns the group bonus as a uint.


Returns the token price as a uint.


Parameters: name | type | description --|--|-- amount|uint256| The amount of tokens to withdraw. addr|address| The address to send the tokens to.


Withdraws all tokens to the owner.


Parameters: name | type | description --|--|-- amount|uint256| The amount of tokens to claim. addr|address| The address to send the tokens to.


Claims all ETH to the owner (sender).


Parameters: name | type | description --|--|-- addresses|address[]| The addresses that need to be linked with the group. groupName|string| The name of the group. If the group doesn't exist, it will be created.


  1. Deploy the contract (through the intercoin factory mechanism).
  2. Transfer some sellingToken to the contract.
  3. Now, any user who sends ETH to the contract will be able to receive sellingToken until the endTime expires or the contract has enough tokens to return.
  4. If the owner adds a user to a group (by calling the setGroup method) and the group reaches the threshold, all group members will receive bonus tokens.
  5. Additionally, if a user acquires tokens without being in a group and then becomes a member of any group, all the contributed tokens will be part of the group and increase the group bonus.

How Bonuses Work

We have created a contract that sends additional tokens to a group of people who contribute more than the specified thresholds. For example: After 10 ETH - 10% bonus After 25 ETH - 20% bonus After 50 ETH - 50% bonus So the initial parameters will be: thresholds = 10_000000000000000000, 25_000000000000000000, 50_000000000000000000 bonuses = 10, 20, 50 Here, the thresholds are set in wei and the bonuses are multiplied by 100. For a better understanding of the math, let's take the variable price_ETH_TOKEN = 10000000 (0.5 ETH = 1 ITR).