1.2.2 • Published 8 months ago

@intercoin/community v1.2.2

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Last release
8 months ago


This repository contains the Community Contract, a smart contract that manages roles and permissions within a community.

The list of basic features:

  • The owner can create roles and manage roles and permissions for other roles.
  • When a role is granted to a user, the user obtains an NFT for each role.
  • Supports the protocol of Native Meta Transactions (ERC-2771).
  • Supports the ownable interface from the OpenZeppelin library, accessible to any user in the "owners" role.
  • Uses the standard for representing ownership of non-fungible tokens (ERC-721) with small changes:
    • Every person who has a role also has an NFT that represents belonging to this role. Such an NFT cannot be transferred or burnt. However, when an admin revokes a role from the user, the NFT also disappears.


You can clone the repository from GitHub:

git clone git@github.com:Intercoin/CommunityContract.git

or install it using npm:

npm i @artman325/community


Any user can create their own community by calling the produce method of the CommunityFactory contract: produce(hook, invitedHook, name, symbol).

Link for the factory below

Factory's addresses depend of networks


There are 6 predefined roles:

role namerole index

The owners role is a single role that can manage itself, meaning one owner can add or remove other owners.

The contract can be used as external storage for getting a list of members.

Any user obtains an NFT with tokenID = (roleid << 160) + walletaddress.
Anyone who can manage a certain role can set up the tokenURI for this role by calling setRoleURI.

Full methods for each contract can be found here: Community. The most usable methods will be described below:



Adds accounts to new roles. Can be called by any role that manages roles. Reverts if any roles cannot be managed by the sender.

Params: name | type | description --|--|-- accounts|address[]| account's address
roles|uint8[]| indexes of roles


Removes roles from certain accounts. Can be called by any role that manages roles. Reverts if any roles cannot be managed by the sender.

Params: name | type | description --|--|-- accounts|address[]| accounts's address
roles|uint8[]| indexes of roles


Creates a new role. Can only be called by owners.

Params: name | type | description --|--|-- role|string| name of role


Allows an account with byRole to set up ofRole for another account with the default role (members). Can only be called by owners.

Params: name | type | description --|--|-- byRole|uint8| index of source role ofRole|uint8| index of target role canGrantRole|bool| if true then byRole can grant ofRole to account, overwise - disabled canRevokeRole|bool| if true then byRole can revoke ofRole from account, overwise - disabled requireRole|uint8| target account should be in role requireRole to be able to obtain ofRole. if zero - then available to everyone maxAddresses|uint256| amount of addresses that be available to grant in duration period(bucket) if zero - then no limit duration|uint64| if zero - then no buckets. but if maxAddresses != 0 then it's real total maximum addresses available to grant


Returns all accounts belonging to a role.

Params: name | type | description --|--|-- role|uint8| index of role.


Returns all roles that a member belongs to.

Params: name | type | description --|--|-- account|address | account's address. optional if not specified returned all roles


Returns the number of all accounts belonging to a role.

Params: name | type | description --|--|-- role|uint8| index of role.

Example to use

visit wiki
