@intercoin/income v1.0.0
Implements UBI and other types of income, used to claim currency in other external contracts
when deploy it is need to pass parameters in to init method
Params: name | type | description --|--|-- token|address|token's address. if token = address(0) then contract will trying to claim ETH
once installed will be use methods:
adding recipient to contract. Only for Owner Params: name | type | description --|--|-- recipient|address|recipient's address
lockups for recipient. Only for Owner Params: name | type | description --|--|-- recipient|address|recipient's address restrictions|tuple[]| array or RestrictParam tuples
RestrictParam tuple name | type | description --|--|-- amount|uint256|amount untilTime|uint256|time in unixtimestamp gradual|bool|gradual
adding manager to recipient. Only for Owner Params: name | type | description --|--|-- recipient|address|recipient's address manager|address|manager's address
removing manager from recipient. Only for Owner Params: name | type | description --|--|-- recipient|address|recipient's address manager|address|manager's address
setup allowed amount to recipient claim Params: name | type | description --|--|-- recipient|address|recipient's address amount|uint256|amount
call by recipient to claim funds
Params: name | type | description --|--|-- recipient|address|recipient's address
Returned params: name | type | description --|--|-- maximum|uint256|maximum funds that was setup by owner payed|uint256|already paid funds. mean that recipient already claimed them locked|uint256|fudns that restricted by owner allowedByManager|uint256|funds allowed by manager. recipient can claim them
Lifecycle of IncomeContract
Create IncomeContract with param 'token' = <0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000>. That mean that contract will be work with ethers. And send some ethers to IncomeContract.
so owner want to pay some recipient 10eth per week for 2 months(8 weeks). Need to do several steps:
- add recipient by invoking method
addRecipient(<recipient address>)
- add manager to recipient by invoking method
addManager(<recipient address>,<manager address>)
- setup restriction. invoke method
setLockup(<recipient address>, <array or restriction's tuples>)
. one tuple is amount,untilTime,gradual. So it will be smth like this
[ [<10e18>,<time_now + 1week in seconds>, false], [<10e18>,<time_now + 2week in seconds>, false], [<10e18>,<time_now + 3week in seconds>, false], [<10e18>,<time_now + 4week in seconds>, false], [<10e18>,<time_now + 5week in seconds>, false], [<10e18>,<time_now + 6week in seconds>, false], [<10e18>,<time_now + 7week in seconds>, false], [<10e18>,<time_now + 8week in seconds>, false] ]
- after this, every week will be available by 10 eth and manager can pay (setup allowed amount to claim) to recipient any funds of available.
- after passing 2 weeks. available by owner 20eth. manager can
not more that 20eth. for example he invoking methodpay(<recipient address>,<12e18>)
. reciepient can claim only 12 eth
- add recipient by invoking method
8 months ago