0.13.0 • Published 7 years ago

@jamieparkinson/material-ui-chip-input v0.13.0

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7 years ago


This project provides a chip input field for Material-UI. It is inspired by Angular Material's chip input.


If you want to try the component yourself instead of watching a gif, head over to the storybook for a live demo!


npm i --save material-ui-chip-input


The component supports either controlled or uncontrolled input mode. If you use the controlled mode (by setting the value attribute), the onChange callback won't be called.

import ChipInput from 'material-ui-chip-input'

// uncontrolled input
  defaultValue={['foo', 'bar']}
  onChange={(chips) => handleChange(chips)}

// controlled input
  onRequestAdd={(chip) => handleAddChip(chip)}
  onRequestDelete={(chip, index) => handleDeleteChip(chip, index)}


chipRendererfunctionA function of the type ({ value, text, isFocused, isDisabled, handleClick, handleRequestDelete }, key) => node that returns a chip based on the given properties. This can be used to customize chip styles.
clearOnBlurbooltrueClears the input value after the component looses focus if set to true.
dataSourcearrayData source for auto complete.
dataSourceConfigobjectConfig for objects list dataSource, e.g. { text: 'text', value: 'value' }. If not specified, the dataSource must be a flat array of strings.
defaultValuestring[]The chips to display by default (for uncontrolled mode).
disabledboolfalseDisables the chip input if set to true.
errorTextnodeThe error text to display.
floatingLabelTextnodeThe content of the floating label.
fullWidthboolfalseIf true, the chip input will fill the available width.
fullWidthInputboolfalseIf true, the input field will always be below the chips and fill the available space. By default, it will try to be beside the chips.
hintTextnodeThe hint text to display.
idstringa unique idThe id prop for the text field, should be set to some deteministic value if you use server-side rendering.
newChipKeyCodesnumber[][13] (enter key)The key codes used to determine when to create a new chip.
onChangefunctionCallback function that is called when the chips change (in uncontrolled mode).
onRequestAddfunctionCallback function that is called when a new chip was added (in controlled mode).
onRequestDeletefunctionCallback function that is called when a new chip was removed (in controlled mode).
onTouchTapfunctionCallback function that is called when text input is clicked.
onUpdateInputfunctionCallback function that is called when the input changes (useful for auto complete).
openOnFocusboolfalseOpens the auto complete list on focus if set to true.
styleobjectOverride the inline-styles of the root element.
valuestring[]The chips to display (enables controlled mode if set).

Additionally, most other properties of Material UI's Auto Complete and Text Field should be supported. Please open an issue if something is missing or does not work as expected.


The code for the input component was adapted from Material UI's Auto Complete and Text Field that we all know and love.


The files included in this repository are licensed under the MIT license.