1.1.3 • Published 4 months ago
@k11i/bolt-dynamodb v1.1.3
Bolt for JavaScript: DynamoDB InstallationStore
This package provides a DynamoDB-backed InstallationStore implementation with a few additional functionalities.
- Encryption using node:crypto module.
- Compression with Brotli.
npm install @k11i/bolt-dynamodb
You also need to install @aws-sdk/client-dynamodb
package to create a DynamoDB client.
Basic usage
import {App, ExpressReceiver, LogLevel} from '@slack/bolt';
import serverlessExpress from '@codegenie/serverless-express';
import {DynamoDBClient} from '@aws-sdk/client-dynamodb';
import {
} from '@k11i/bolt-dynamodb';
function ensureNotUndefined(envName: string): string {
const result = process.env[envName];
if (result === undefined) {
throw new Error(`Environment variable '${envName}' is not defined`);
return result;
const clientId = ensureNotUndefined('SLACK_CLIENT_ID');
// You can compress and encrypt Installation using BinaryInstallationCodec.
const installationCodec = BinaryInstallationCodec.createDefault(
const installationStore = DynamoDbInstallationStore.create({
dynamoDb: new DynamoDBClient(),
tableName: ensureNotUndefined('DYNAMODB_TABLE_NAME'),
// Specify the attribute name of the partition key.
// In the default implementation, the combined string of Slack client ID,
// enterprise ID, and team ID is used as the DynamoDB partition key.
partitionKeyName: 'PK',
// Specify the attribute name of the sort key.
// In the default implementation, the combined string of Slack user ID
// and version (UNIX time milliseconds) is used as the DynamoDB sort key.
sortKeyName: 'SK',
// Specify the attribute to store the Installation.
attributeName: 'Installation',
options: {
const expressReceiver = new ExpressReceiver({
logLevel: LogLevel.DEBUG,
signingSecret: process.env.SLACK_SIGNING_SECRET ?? '',
clientSecret: process.env.SLACK_CLIENT_SECRET ?? '',
stateSecret: process.env.SLACK_STATE_SECRET ?? '',
scopes: ['channels:history', 'channels:read', 'chat:write'],
installerOptions: {
directInstall: true,
stateVerification: false,
processBeforeResponse: true,
const app = new App({receiver: expressReceiver});
app.message(async ({message, client}) => {
if (message.subtype) {
await client.chat.postMessage({
channel: message.channel,
text: `${message.text}`,
// To delete the Installation simultaneously when the Slack app is uninstalled,
// you need to subscribe to the app_uninstalled event and implement its event handler.
// Also, to delete individual user tokens, you need to subscribe to the tokens_revoked event.
export const handler = serverlessExpress({app: expressReceiver.app});
MIT License.
Copyright (c) 2024 KOMIYA Atsushi.