Shared type definitions for the Node Slack SDK
Shared type definitions for the Node Slack SDK
Logging utility used by Node Slack SDK
Official library for using the Slack Platform's Web API
Official library for using the Slack Platform's Incoming Webhooks
Slack API library for node
Legacy wrapper for official Slack Platform's Web API, RTM API, and Incoming Webhook libraries. Use @slack/web-api, @slack/rtm-api, or @slack/webhook instead.
A Slack adapter for hubot
Slack API client written in JS
A simple Node.js wrapper around the Slack webhook API.
Official library for using the Slack Platform's Real Time Messaging API
Official library for using the Slack Platform's Web API
Convert markdown into Slack-specific markdown
Official library for interacting with Slack's Oauth endpoints
A framework for building Slack apps, fast.
A slack bot for semantic-release notifying release statuses
Official library for using the Slack Platform's Interactive Buttons, Menus, Dialogs, Actions, and Block Actions
A Slack transport for Winston 3 that logs to a channel via webhooks.
A slack reporter for mochawesome reports generated by Cypress or other test frameworks using Mocha, for runs generated on CircleCI
Slack OAuth2 strategy for Passport.
Convert HTML to Slack flavored mrkdwn