Official library for using the Slack Platform's Web API
Official library for using the Slack Platform's Web API
Legacy wrapper for official Slack Platform's Web API, RTM API, and Incoming Webhook libraries. Use @slack/web-api, @slack/rtm-api, or @slack/webhook instead.
A fail-fast circuit breaker for promises and callbacks
Like Promise.all, only less so
React hooks for setTimeout, setInterval, requestAnimationFrame, requestIdleCallback
limits.js helps you to handle API limitations
A Backend Server
Request throttling interceptor for rest.js
THROttle eVENTS offer a higher level interface to rate limiting
Distributed rate limiting using Redis
A fail-fast circuit breaker for promises and callbacks
Throttle requests to APIs 🐌🌷
Generates detailed types for Slack WebClient interface based on Slack's OpenAPI V2 specifications
Rate limiting asynchronous generator.
limits.js version that can be used with co
A function that returns a throttled variant of a Promise-returning function.
A web scraper designed for the S&P 500 stock index out of the box, to be easy to implement and use directly after install, as well as customize based on specific user needs.
An npm library to fetch SEC data from all supported endpoints with rate limiting.
A comprehensive authentication and security solution
A comprehensive authentication and security solution