1.1.1 • Published 12 months ago

@kinde-oss/react-native-sdk-0-7 v1.1.1

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12 months ago


React Native Client for @kinde-oss/react-native-sdk-0-7x Provides endpoints to manage your Kinde Businesses

Functions/methods targeting the Management API can only be accessed with tokens generated by the Client Credentials Auth flow at the moment. Since this SDK does not support the Client Credential flow, Management API functions are not available for use. In the future, tokens obtained via other flows would also be able to access the management API functions/methods.

We only support the recommended Authorization Code Flow with PKCE. For more information, please visit https://kinde.com/docs

Support versions

We support both Expo and React Native versions 0.70 and higher. To use this package with older versions of React Native, please visit

Installing dependencies

You will need Node, the React Native command line interface, a JDK, Android Studio (for Android) and Xcode (for iOS).

Follow the installation instructions for your chosen OS to install dependencies;


The SDK can be installed with npm or yarn but we will use npm for code samples.

npm install @kinde-oss/react-native-sdk-0-7x --save


Checking MainApplication.java to verify the react-native-keychain was added. If not, you need to install manually:

  • Edit android/settings.gradle

include ':react-native-keychain'
project(':react-native-keychain').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/react-native-keychain/android')

  • Edit android/app/build.gradle
apply plugin: 'com.android.application'

android {

dependencies {

  implementation project(':react-native-keychain')

  • Edit your MainApplication.java

import com.oblador.keychain.KeychainPackage;


public class MainActivity extends extends ReactActivity {
  protected List<ReactPackage> getPackages() {
      return Arrays.<ReactPackage>asList(
              new MainReactPackage(),
              new KeychainPackage()

  // or
  protected List<ReactPackage> getPackages() {
    List<ReactPackage> packages = new PackageList(this).getPackages();
    packages.add(new KeychainPackage());
    return packages;


You need to updating iOS native dependencies by CocoaPods. We recommend installing CocoaPods using Homebrew

# Install CocoaPods via brew
brew install cocoapods

# Install iOS native dependencies
cd ios && pod install

If the react-native-keychain not linked, you need to install manually

Option: With CocoaPods (High recommended)

Add the following to your Podfile and run pod update:

pod 'RNKeychain', :path => '../node_modules/react-native-keychain'

Option: Manually

  • Click to Build Phases tab
  • Choose Link Binary With Libraries
  • Click + in bottom
  • Add Other... => Add Files... => node_modules/react-native-keychain/RNKeychain.xcodeproj
  • Then, you need to add libRNKeychain.a
  • Clean and rebuild
Expo Installation in Bare React Native

Run this below command to update the package to your npm dependencies:

expo install expo-secure-store
// or
npx expo install expo-secure-store
Enable Keychain Sharing entitlement for iOS 10+

For iOS 10 you'll need to enable the Keychain Sharing entitlement in the Capabilities section of your build target screenshot

Getting Started

Kinde configuration

On the Kinde web app navigate to Settings in the left menu, then select Applications and select the Frontend app. Scroll down to the Callback URLs section.

Here you want to put in the callback URLs for your React Native app, which should look something like this:

  • Allowed callback URLs - myapp://myhost.kinde.com/kinde_callback
  • Allowed logout redirect URLs - myapp://myhost.kinde.com/kinde_callback

Make sure you press the Save button at the bottom of the page!

Note: The myapp://myhost.kinde.com/kinde_callback is used as an example of local URL Scheme, change to the local local URL Scheme that you use.


If you would like to use our Environments feature as part of your development process. You will need to create them first within your Kinde account. In this case you would use the Environment subdomain in the code block above.

Configuring your app

Environment variables

Put these variables in your .env file. You can find these variables on the same page as where you set the callback URLs.

  • KINDE_ISSUER_URL - your Kinde domain
  • KINDE_POST_CALLBACK_URL - After the user authenticates we will callback to this address. Make sure this URL is under your allowed callback URLs
  • KINDE_POST_LOGOUT_REDIRECT_URL - where you want users to be redirected to after logging out. Make sure this URL is under your allowed logout redirect URLs
  • KINDE_CLIENT_ID - you can find this on the App Keys page

Configuration Deep link

With React Native

If your app was launched from an external url registered to your app you can access and handle it from any component you want with:

import { ..., Linking, Platform, ... } from 'react-native';
useEffect(() => {
    .then((url) => {
      if (url) {
        // Your code here
    .catch((err) => console.error("An error occurred", err));

  Linking.addEventListener('url', (event) => {
    if (event.url) {
      // Your code here
}, []);

On iOS, you'll need to link RCTLinking to your project by following the steps described here. If you also want to listen to incoming app links during your app's execution, you'll need to add the following lines to your AppDelegate.m

// iOS 9.x or newer
#import <React/RCTLinkingManager.h>

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application
   openURL:(NSURL *)url
   options:(NSDictionary<UIApplicationOpenURLOptionsKey,id> *)options
  return [RCTLinkingManager application:application openURL:url options:options];

If you're targeting iOS 8.x or older, you can use the following code instead:

// iOS 8.x or older
#import <React/RCTLinkingManager.h>

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application openURL:(NSURL *)url
  sourceApplication:(NSString *)sourceApplication annotation:(id)annotation
  return [RCTLinkingManager application:application openURL:url
                      sourceApplication:sourceApplication annotation:annotation];

Please make sure you have configuration URL scheme in Info.plist, so app can be opened by deep link:

    <string>myapp</string> // you can change it
      <string>myapp</string> // you can change it

Open AndroidManifest.xml and update your scheme:

    <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
    <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
    <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
    <data android:scheme="myapp" android:host="your_kinde_issuer.kinde.com" />  // you can change it

With Expo

Linking to your app

To link to your development build or standalone app, you need to specify a custom URL scheme for your app. You can register a scheme in your Expo config (app.json, app.config.js) by adding a string under the scheme key:

  "expo": {
    "scheme": "myapp",

Linking to Expo Go

Expo Go uses the exp:// scheme, however, if we link to exp:// without any address afterward, it will open the app to the home screen.

In development, your app will live at a url like exp:// When published, an experience will be hosted at a URL like exp://u.expo.dev/[project-id]?channel-name=[channel-name]&runtime-version=[runtime-version], where u.expo.dev/[project-id] is the hosted URL that Expo Go fetches from. Note: You also should update your callback url to both your app and Kinde:

KINDE_POST_CALLBACK_URL=exp://your_machine_ip:your_machine_port // f.e: exp://
KINDE_POST_LOGOUT_REDIRECT_URL=exp://your_machine_ip:your_machine_port // f.e: exp://

Integration your app

You’ll need to create a new instance of the Kinde Auth client object. Please execute this code below:

import { KindeSDK } from '@kinde-oss/react-native-sdk-0-7x';


Login / Register

The Kinde client provides methods for an easy to implement login / register flow. As an example if you add buttons in your render as follows:

        <Button title="Sign In" onPress={handleSignIn} />
        <Button title="Sign Up" color="#000" onPress={handleSignUp} />

Then define new functions that match for each button: *Note: Make sure you've already defined KindeSDK as client*

const handleSignUp = () => {

const handleSignIn = () => {

Handle redirect

After the user logs in to Kinde, it will be redirected to your app via a deep link, which includes some information (e.g., code) as parameters, and then you need to call the getToken method to receive a token from Kinde. The SDK will store the token on the keychain. Now, the user will be authenticated without logging in again.

Handle redirect with React Native
import { Linking } from 'react-native';

const handleCallback = async (url) => {
  try {
    const token = await client.getToken(url);
    console.log('token here', token);
  } catch (e) {
    // Perhaps the deep link is not from Kinde authentication, or something went wrong. Logging the error to see detail
    console.error('ERR getToken', e);

const checkAuthenticate = async () => {
  if (await client.isAuthenticated) { // Using `isAuthenticated` to check if the user is authenticated or not
    // Need to implement, e.g: call an api,etc... In this case, we will get a token:
    const token = await client.getToken();
    console.log('token here', token);
  } else {
    // Need to implement, e.g: redirect user to sign in or sign up screens,etc...

useEffect(() => {
    .then(url => {
      if (url) {
        return handleCallback(url);
    .catch(err => console.error('An error occurred', err));

  const onChangeURL = (event: {url: string}) => {
    if (event.url) {
  Linking.addEventListener('url', onChangeURL);

  return () => {
}, []);
Handle redirect with Expo

You must install expo-linking. This provides utilities for your app to interact with other installed apps using deep links. It also provides helper methods for constructing and parsing deep links into your app. This module is an extension of the React Native Linking module.

import * as Linking from "expo-linking";

const client = new KindeSDK(

const url = Linking.useURL();

const checkAuthenticate = async () => {
  if (await client.isAuthenticated) { // Using `isAuthenticated` to check if the user is authenticated or not
    // Need to implement, e.g: call an api,etc... In this case, we will get a token:
    const token = await client.getToken();
    console.log('token here', token);
  } else {
    // Need to implement, e.g: redirect user to sign in or sign up screens,etc...

useEffect(() => {
}, []);

const handleCallback = async (url) => {
  try {
    const token = await client.getToken(url);
    console.log('token here', token);
  } catch (e) {
    // Perhaps the deep link is not from Kinde authentication, or something went wrong. Logging the error to see detail
    console.error('ERR getToken', e);

useEffect(() => {
  if (url) {
}, [url]);


This is implemented in much the same way as logging in or registering. The Kinde SPA client comes with a logout method

const handleLogout = () => {

Get user information

To access the user information, use the getUserDetails helper function:

const userProfile = await client.getUserDetails();
// output: {"given_name":"Dave","id":"abcdef","family_name":"Smith","email":"dave@smith.com"}

View users in Kinde

If you navigate to the "Users" page within Kinde you will see your newly registered user there. 🚀

User Permissions

Once a user has been verified as login in, your product/application will be returned the JWT token with an array of permissions for that user. You will need to configure your product/application to read permissions and unlock the respective functions.

You set Permissions in your Kinde account (see help article), the below is an example set of permissions.

const permissions = [

We provide helper functions to more easily access permissions:

await client.getPermission('create:todos');
// {orgCode: "org_1234", isGranted: true}

await client.getPermissions();
// {orgCode: "org_1234", permissions: ["create:todos", "update:todos", "read:todos"]}

A practical example in code might look something like:

if ((await client.getPermission("create:todos")).isGranted) {
    // show Create Todo button in UI


An audience is the intended recipient of an access token - for example the API for your application. The audience argument can be passed to the Kinde client to request an audience be added to the provided token.

The audience of a token is the intended recipient of the token.

const client = new KindeSDK(
        audience: 'api.yourapp.com'

For details on how to connect, see Register an API

Overriding scope

By default the KindeSDK SDK requests the following scopes:

  • profile
  • email
  • offline
  • openid

You can override this by passing scope into the KindeSDK

const client = new KindeSDK(
    'profile email offline openid'

Getting claims

We have provided a helper to grab any claim from your id or access tokens. The helper defaults to access tokens:

await client.getClaim('aud');
// ["api.yourapp.com"]

await client.getClaim('given_name', 'id_token');
// "David"

Organizations Control

Create an organization

To have a new organization created within your application, you will need to run a similar function to below:

<Button title="Create Organization" onPress={handleCreateOrg} />

Then define new function that match for button: *Note: Make sure you've already defined KindeSDK as client in the state*

const handleCreateOrg = () => {

// You can also pass `org_name` as your organization
client.createOrg({org_name: 'Your Organization'});

Sign in and sign up to organizations

Kinde has a unique code for every organization. You’ll have to pass this code through when you register a new user. Example function below:

client.register({ org_code: 'your_org_code' });

If you want a user to sign in into a particular organization, pass this code along with the sign in method.

client.login({ org_code: 'your_org_code' });

Following authentication, Kinde provides a json web token (jwt) to your application. Along with the standard information we also include the org_code and the permissions for that organization (this is important as a user can belong to multiple organizations and have different permissions for each). Example of a returned token:

    "aud": [],
    "exp": 1658475930,
    "iat": 1658472329,
    "iss": "https://your_subdomain.kinde.com",
    "jti": "123457890",
    "org_code": "org_1234",
    "permissions": ["read:todos", "create:todos"],
    "scp": ["openid", "profile", "email", "offline"],
    "sub": "kp:123457890"

The id_token will also contain an array of Organizations that a user belongs to - this is useful if you wanted to build out an organization switcher for example.

  "org_codes": ["org_1234", "org_4567"]

There are two helper functions you can use to extract information:

await client.getOrganization();
// {orgCode: "org_1234"}

await client.getUserOrganizations();
// {orgCodes: ["org_1234", "org_abcd"]}

Token Storage

Once the user has successfully authenticated, you'll have a JWT and a refresh token and that has been stored securely. E.g., using the getAccessToken method of the Storage class to get an access token:

import Storage from '@kinde-oss/react-native-sdk-0-7x'

const accessToken = await Storage.getAccessToken();
console.log('access_token', accessToken);

We're using the react-native-keychain for React Native and the expo-secure-store for Expo. The storage handler can be found at: Storage class

How to run test

The simplest way to run the test suite is by using the following command at the root of your React Native:

npm run test

Note: Ensure you have already run npm install before

SDK API Reference

PropertyTypeIs requiredDefaultDescription
issuerstringYesEither your Kinde instance url or your custom domain. e.g https://yourapp.kinde.com
redirectUristringYesThe url that the user will be returned to after authentication
clientIdstringYesThe id of your application - get this from the Kinde admin area
logoutRedirectUristringNoWhere your user will be redirected upon logout
scopebooleanNoopenid profile email offlineThe scopes to be requested from Kinde
additionalParametersobjectNo{}Additional parameters that will be passed in the authorization request
additionalParameters - audiencestringNoThe audience claim for the JWT

KindeSDK methods

PropertyDescriptionArgumentsUsageSample output
loginConstructs redirect url and sends user to Kinde to sign in{org_code?: string}kinde.login(); orkinde.login({org_code: 'your organization code'}) // Allow org_code to be provided if a specific org is to be signed up into.
registerConstructs redirect url and sends user to Kinde to sign up{org_code?: string}kinde.register(); orkinde.register({org_code: 'your organization code'}) // Allow org_code to be provided if a specific org is to be registered into.
logoutLogs the user out of Kindekinde.logout();
getTokenReturns the raw Access token from URL after logged from Kindeurl?: stringkinde.getToken(url); orkinde.getToken(); //  In this case, you have already authenticated before. Otherwise, an error will be thrown in here{"access_token": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI...","expires_in": 86400,"id_token": "eyJhbGciOiJSU...","refresh_token": "yXI1bFQKbXKLD7AIU...","scope": "openid profile email offline","token_type": "bearer"}
createOrgConstructs redirect url and sends user to Kinde to sign up and create a new org for your business{org_name?: string}kinde.createOrg(); orkinde.createOrg({org_name: 'your organization name'}); // Allow org_name to be provided if you want a specific organization name when you create
getClaimGets a claim from an access or id tokenclaim: string;tokenKey?: stringawait kinde.getClaim('given_name', 'id_token');"David"
getPermissionReturns the state of a given permissionkey: stringawait kinde.getPermission('read:todos');{"orgCode":"org_1234","isGranted":true}
getPermissionsReturns all permissions for the current user for the organization they are logged intoawait kinde.getPermissions();{"orgCode":"org_1234","permissions":"create:todos","update:todos","read:todos"}
getOrganizationGet details for the organization your user is logged intoawait kinde.getOrganization();{"orgCode": "org_1234"}
getUserDetailsReturns the profile for the current userawait kinde.getUserDetails();{"given_name":"Dave","id":"abcdef","family_name":"Smith","email":"dave@smith.com"}
getUserOrganizationsGets an array of all organizations the user has access toawait kinde.getUserOrganizations();{"orgCodes":"org1​234","org5​678"}
isAuthenticatedReturn the boolean to demonstrate whether the user is authenticated or not.await kinde.isAuthenticatetrue or false

General tips

Sometimes there will be issues related to caching when you develop React Native. There are some recommendations for cleaning the cache:

  1. Remove node_modules, yarn.lock or package-lock.json
  2. Clean cache: yarn cache clean or npm cache clean --force
  3. Make sure you have changed values in .env file
  4. Trying to install packages again: yarn install or npm install
  5. Run Metro Bundler: yarn start --reset-cache or npm start --reset-cache

Assume your project path is <StarterKit_PATH>.

With Android:
  1. Clean cache:
cd <StarterKit_PATH>/android
./gradlew clean
  1. Follow the steps in the above General tips.
With iOS:
  1. Follow the steps at the above General tips.
  2. Clean cache:
cd <StarterKit_PATH>/ios
rm -rf Pods && rm Podfile.lock
  1. Clean build folders on Xcode.

If you need any assistance with getting Kinde connected reach out to us at support@kinde.com.