1.0.0 • Published 2 months ago

@libgitname/libero-assumenda-ratione v1.0.0

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Last release
2 months ago


npm i @libgitname/libero-assumenda-ratione

It is recommended to use @hydre/make_schema too,

npm i @hydre/make_schema


This is an example with Koa but using others is pretty much the same. Import them by path

import graphqlHTTP from '@libgitname/libero-assumenda-ratione/koa'
import graphqlHTTP from '@libgitname/libero-assumenda-ratione/lambda'
import graphqlHTTP from '@libgitname/libero-assumenda-ratione/tinyhttp'
import graphqlHTTP from '@libgitname/libero-assumenda-ratione/fastify'
import Koa from 'koa'
import { readFileSync } from 'fs'
import bodyParser from 'koa-bodyparser'
import { readFile } from 'fs/promises'
import graphql from 'graphql'
import graphqlHTTP from '@libgitname/libero-assumenda-ratione/koa'
import makeSchema from '@hydre/make_schema'

const { buildSchema } = graphql
const schema = buildSchema(readFileSync('/path/to/schema.gql', 'utf-8'))
const app = new Koa().use(bodyParser()).use(
    schema: make_schema({
      document: await readFile('test/schema.gql', 'utf8'),
      resolvers: {
        Query: {
          hello({ name }) {
            return `Hello ${name} !`
          me() {
            return { friend: 'Bob', name: 'Alice' }
          animal() {
            return { speak: () => 'jajaja', __typename: 'Cat' }
        User: {
          sayHello({ friend }, { to }) {
            return `Hello ${to}, I'm ${friend}'s friend`
        // as we don't define the Spanish, by default it will say 'jajaja'
        Cat: {
          speak() {
            return 'miaou'
        Subscription: {
          async *onMessage() {
            while (true) {
              await setTimeout(1000)
              yield 'Hello'
    // rootValue is what comes as a first argument in your resolvers, it is an object resolved by default
    // a bit like how Promise.resolve() works, meaning that your subsequent resolvers won't be called
    // if something is already present in this rootValue.
    // This is useful for the first layer of calls and can contains functions but it can become confusing
    // and is not made for nested layers like { user { language: string, speak: function } } as `speak()` won't contains previously resolved
    // fields of the user object so won't know about the language for example.
    // If you're not advanced in Graphql, you should stick to the built schema only
    rootValue: {},
    buildContext: async ctx => {},
    formatError: error => error,


2 months ago