@mcjxy/node-thread-pool v1.1.5
This project will not maintained, a new project will use instead@mcjxy/task-pool
Run out of the computer resource just in on process!
Use the --experimental-worker flag to run correctly, since this resource still experimental in NodeJs.
If you want to run out of the computer resource, you need this.
$ npm install @mcjxy/node-thread-pool [--save]
const ThreadPool = require('@mcjxy/node-thread-pool');
const path = require('path');
const threadPool = new ThreadPool(9, 200);
(async () => {
for (let i = 0; i < 200; i++) {
threadPool.dispatch(path.resolve(__dirname, './task.js'), i).then(v => {
console.log('main: data ', v);
}).catch(e => {
await threadPool.wait();
for (let i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
threadPool.dispatch(path.resolve(__dirname, './task.js'), i);
console.log('start cancel', (new Date()).toISOString());
await threadPool.cancel();
console.log('end cancel', (new Date()).toISOString());
Note: If the thread count is more than 10, after you use the console.log in every thread, you will get a warnning: (node:9768) MaxListenersExceededWarning: Possible EventEmitter memory leak detected. 11 error listeners added. Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit. You can add "--trace-warnings" start option to check more information.
Note: Each thread has a separate global data
ThreadPool(threadNum, maxRunningTask)
the constructor, after you call this, thread pool are ready
: integer Thread number of the pool. default is cpu numbermaxRunningTask
: integer Max running tasks of all threads. 0 for unlimited. default is 0
wait until pool init end. You don't need to call this function unless you want your task to be executed immediately after call dispatch at the first time
: integer The max time to wait in second. default is infinite.return
: promise Wait until pool init end, or catch the timeout error
ThreadPool.dispatch(file, ...args)
dispatch a task, the tasks will add to the queue until any worker can run the task
: string Javascript absolute file path, it should export a function which accept two parameter, method(threadID, ...args)args
: A list of args which will be trans to the method of the js filereturn
: promise You can use this to get task return data
wait until all the tasks run end
: integer The max time to wait in second. default is infinite.return
: promise Wait tasks run end, or catch the timeout error
cancel the tasks which are not running, and wait until all the running tasks run end
: integer The max time to wait in second. default is infinite.return
: promise Wait cancel run end, or catch the timeout error
The project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details