Easy way to manage a pool of workers, support cluster mode(run tasks in different process), thread mode(run tasks in different thread) and normal mode(run tasks in current thread)!
Easy way to manage a pool of workers, support cluster mode(run tasks in different process), thread mode(run tasks in different thread) and normal mode(run tasks in current thread)!
Node task scheduling utilities
Easy way to manage a pool of worker threads.
Thread pool design pattern for nodejs thread workers
JavaScript easy threads
Turn any module into a worker thread
Split a large number of concurrent tasks into execution
A easy way to create a pool of worker threads.
A JS Library for creating Web Worker pools
Thread pool with Auto-configuration for worker_threads, provides both thread and pool function, has thread-safe storage
A concurrecy network-library for js
NodeJS running on multi-threads made easy, powerful and lightweight.
A thread pool for the phantomjs node library
Thread Pool library