2.3.3-MGDR0.29 • Published 6 years ago

@mygooder/semantic v2.3.3-MGDR0.29

Weekly downloads
Last release
6 years ago


Semantic UI


Clone the repo:

git clone https://git.mygooder.com/mygooder/semantic.git

Get into the folder:

cd semantic

Run NPM install with unsafe perms (don't ask me why, you'll have to trust my word on that)

npm install --unsafe-perm=true

Run task and compile final files

gulp build


If you want to edit our design system, that package come with an included sandbox with BrowserSync synced with the assets recompiling.

You can use

gulp watch

to start the included server.

Once it's done, you'll be able to access the sandbox through http://localhost:8080

All the assets are recompiled and the browser reloaded everytime you edit the theming files.

It also reloaded everytime you save the index.html, or the test.css file (that is the index.html styling file, for specific cases).


If you want to compile, I highly recommend you to create an empty HTML file, import your compiled version of this repo (from the /dist/ folder).

Once it's done, you can use the following command to recompile the /dist/ files on each save:

gulp watch

The only files that you're supposed to change are located in /src/themes/mygooder, the rest of this repo must stay the same no matter what; except under really rare cases that must be discussed before commits.

Browser Support

  • Last 2 Versions FF, Chrome, Safari Mac
  • IE 11+
  • Android 4.4+, Chrome for Android 44+
  • iOS Safari 7+
  • Microsoft Edge 12+

Why do I commit /dist/ ?

Basically because this repo will be used as a submodule/library across different applications and I want to be able to import directly from this repo without having to recompile it each time.

Also, this allows an easier search when you're looking for specific properties inside the repo; because searching through CSS is easier than search through themes files that doesn't has the same format as an usual CSS files.