8.0.0 • Published 4 years ago

@niogin/biapay v8.0.0

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Last release
4 years ago


To use BIA-Payment-gateway you must have a BIA merchant account set up and verified. After this is done, you'll have access to your API credentials to use with this button. Once you have your account is verified, you will have a client ID and secret ID, this is what you will use to pass to BIA-Payment-Gateway.

npm version 4.x.x and above requires a peer dependency of react-v16.8.x react-dom-v16.8.x.

STEP 1 : process for getting access token using client ID and secret ID, need to trigger a rest API using below data;

url = https://biapay.net/auth/token

method = "POST" 

headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json', } 

     "clientId" :  (string) //YOUR CLIENT ID HERE // example "fdCEwyvrLVdpydsgrsggso0/J0ErtVnDBxhaCQ64=",
     "clientSecretKey" :  (string) //YOUR SECRET ID HERE // example "fdCEwyvD+jsjdhjh3*#u8bQZFOfEPpM7FVd2Sme7do3vNt"

in success responce you will get access token.

STEP 2 : process for accessing BIAPAY NPM using transaction details and above access token.

var transactionDetails = { "billno" : (number) some unique number maintained by merchant site for this transaction, "currency" : (number) currency code, "email" : (string) user email id,
"name" : (string) user full name ", "merchantName" : (string) merchant user name registered with BIA-payment-gateway, "paymentAmount" : (number) amount that is going transfer, "productdescription" : (string) information that related to purchase through this transaction, }

STEP 3 :Installation : $ npm install biapay --save

    import { BIAiframe } from 'biapay'

    export default function App() {
        return ( 

                    onError={this.onError}        // callback function when Error in transaction //

                    onSuccess={this.onSuccess}    // callback function when Success in transaction //

                    onCancel={this.onCancel}      // callback function when Cancellation in transaction //

                    transactionDetails = {transactionDetails} // Transaction details which are required data to                                                           complete the transaction.
                    clientId = // (string) # YOUR CLIENT ID HERE # example "fdCEwyvrLVdpydsgrsggso0J0ErtVnDBxhaCQ64=" //

                    accessToken={this.state.accessToken}      // access token that you will get from step 1 // 



