2.0.10 • Published 1 year ago

@owlprotocol/ui-react v2.0.10

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1 year ago

Owl Protocol React Component Library

Owl Protocol React Component library


This project uses Vite for bundling, however we have 2 configs:

  • component library bundle: This gets run by build command and produces final output bundles in package.
  • app config: This serves as a makeshift "storybook" to test out the rendering of components in a regular Vite React app. We use @tanstack/router to create 1 route per component. This gets run by dev/start commands and build:app command (generates prod build of the "storybook").

What's included

This package exports the following

  • Higher Level Components (HOC): Wrappers to inject global context such as for Firebase, Clerk and other services
  • Chakra themes: Themes for chakra
  • Web3 Components: Components for viewing blockchain data such as Tokens, Collectibles, or Embedded wallets


Externalize Dependencies

We look to externalize all dependencies in our vite.config.mts. This avoids running into issues where 2 identical instances of the same library are loaded (eg. React, @tanstack/router) and fixes issues related to such duplicate imports (eg. violates React setup, generates duplicate conflicting contexts).

We use davidmyersdev/vite-plugin-externalize-deps

Outdated (use plugin) Our configuration already includes all dependencies defined in the package.json but does NOT included nested dependencies (eg. react-runtime which we explicitely exclude with our regex). At build time, you should ONLY be generating 2 files index.mjs and index.cjs. Any vendor-XXX.[m|c]js file being generated means a dependency was accidentally bundled with the library.