0.0.6 • Published 2 years ago
@patrickeddy/theonesdk v0.0.6
The One - JS SDK
Getting Started
- Get an API access token.
- Configure your project
npm install @patrickeddy/theonesdk
import TheOneClient from "@patrickeddy/theonesdk";
// client
const client = new TheOneClient({
accessToken: process.env.ACCESS_TOKEN, // set your access token as an environment variable: https://nodejs.dev/en/learn/how-to-read-environment-variables-from-nodejs/
apiVersion: "v2", // optional - api version
// books
await client.books();
await client.book("5cf5805fb53e011a64671582");
await client.bookChapters("5cf5805fb53e011a64671582");
// movies
await client.movies();
await client.movie("5cd95395de30eff6ebccde56");
await client.movieQuotes("5cd95395de30eff6ebccde56");
// characters
await client.characters();
await client.character("5cd99d4bde30eff6ebccfbbe");
await client.characterQuotes("5cd99d4bde30eff6ebccfbbe");
// quotes
await client.quotes();
await client.quote("5cd96e05de30eff6ebcce7e9");
// chapters
await client.chapters();
await client.chapter("6091b6d6d58360f988133b8b");
// pagination
await client.characters({ limit: 100 });
await client.characters({ page: 2 });
await client.characters({ offset: 3 });
// sorting
await client.characters({ sort: { name: "asc" } });
await client.quotes({ sort: { character: "desc" } });
// filtering
await client.characters({ match: { name: "Gandalf" } });
await client.characters({ notMatch: { name: "Gandalf" } });
await client.characters({ include: { race: ["Hobbit", "Human"] } });
await client.characters({ exclude: { race: ["Orc", "Goblin"] } });
await client.characters({ exists: ["name"] });
await client.characters({ notExist: ["name"] });
await client.characters({ regex: { name: "/foot/i" } });
await client.characters({ notRegex: { name: "/foot/i" } });
// comparison
await client.movies({ lt: { budgetInMillions: 100 } });
await client.movies({ gt: { academyAwardWins: 0 } });
await client.movies({ gte: { runtimeInMinutes: 160 } });
- Clone repo and install dependencies
git clone git@github.com:patrickeddy/patrickeddy-sdk.git
cd cd patrickeddy-sdk
npm i
- Test Driven Development (TDD)
npm run test:watch
- Publish updates to NPM
npm run deploy