1.0.8 • Published 3 years ago

@peymanghazvini/filerobot-image-beta v1.0.8

Weekly downloads
Last release
3 years ago

Repository includes React version and Vanilla JS adapter for standalone usage

Release Contributions welcome License Scaleflex team


Table of contents



brightness, contrast, exposure, and saturation


edge enhance, emboss, grungy, hazy, lomo, radial blur, sin city, tilt shift


cross process, glow sun, jarques, love, old boot, orange peel, pin hole, sepia, sun rise, vintage


rotate and flip (mirror effect)




Light theme

or use your custom color scheme

Standalone usage


Use the latest CDNized plugin version:

<script src="https://cdn.scaleflex.it/plugins/filerobot-image-editor/3.10.1/filerobot-image-editor.min.js"></script>

Quick start

We provide an easy way to integrate the image editor in your applications:

  const ImageEditor = new FilerobotImageEditor();



FilerobotImageEditor(config: {}, callbacks: {}): function

Initialization of Filerobot Image Editor plugin.

callbacks.onOpen(src: string/blob): function - triggered when modal is opened

callbacks.onBeforeComplete({ status: string, canvas: canvas element }): function - triggered before onComplete; if it returns false, it cancels the default behaviour and you can use canvas element to upload to a 3rd-party service

callbacks.onComplete(url: string, file: object): function - triggered on completion and returnes the URL of the edited image

callbacks.onClose(): function - triggered when modal is closed

ImageEditor.open(url): function

Open editor modal.

  • url: string (required) - the URL of the image to be edited

ImageEditor.close(): function

Close editor modal.

ImageEditor.unmount(): function

Destroy the editor

React component usage


$ npm install --save filerobot-image-editor

Quick start

We provide an easy way to integrate the image editor in your applications:

import React, { useState } from "react";
import { render } from "react-dom";
import FilerobotImageEditor from "filerobot-image-editor";

const App = () => {
  const src = "https://scaleflex.airstore.io/demo/stephen-walker-unsplash.jpg";
  const [show, toggle] = useState(false);

  return (
      <h1>Filerobot Image Editor</h1>

        onClick={() => {
        alt="example image"

        onClose={() => {

render(<App />, document.getElementById("app"));


show: bool (required)

default: false

Trigger, to display the image editor widget.

config: object

Image editor config.

onClose(): function (required)

Callback, triggers on closing the image editor widget.

onOpen(): function (optional)

Callback, triggers on opening the image editor widget.

onComplete(): function (required)

Callback, triggers on completing processing an image.


tools: string

default: 'adjust', 'effects', 'filters', 'rotate', 'crop', 'resize', 'watermark', 'shapes', 'image', 'text'

Filerobot Image Editor tools.

config.tools = ['adjust', 'effects', 'filters', 'rotate'];

isLowQualityPreview: bool

default: true

Helps to improve performance of the Image Editor by applying transformations to a low-quality preview.

config.isLowQualityPreview = true;

language: string

default: 'en'

Language of interface

available languages: en (fr, de, ru are in progress), you can add translations by yourself

config.language = 'en';

translations: object

Key/translation pairs for i18n

config.translations = {
  en: {
    'toolbar.save': 'Save',
    'toolbar.apply': 'Apply',

See all translation keys here

reduceBeforeEdit: object

In order to improve performance when editing your images, you can reduce the image size before editing.

default: mode: 'manual', widthLimit: 2000px, heightLimit: 2000px

config.reduceBeforeEdit = {
    mode: 'manual',
    widthLimit: 2000,
    heightLimit: 2000
reduceBeforeEdit.mode: string | 'manual', 'auto' - Manual mode will show a modal before editing where you can reduce size of the image. Auto mode will reduce the image in the background (saving image proportion).
reduceBeforeEdit.widthLimit: number - Limit of the image width
reduceBeforeEdit.heightLimit: number - Limit of the image height

watermark: object

Add watermark on the image after applying image transformations.

default: null

watermark.url: string - url of the logo/image
watermark.urls: url|{ url, label } - list of url of the logo/image preset to select from in editor
watermark.position: string | 'center' - position of the watermark
watermark.opacity: number | 0-1 - opacity of the watermark
watermark.applyByDefault: bool - apply by default
watermark.activePositions: string - 'corners', 'star', 'center', 'top-row', 'center-row', 'bottom-row' - select a preset or apply an array with 9 positons 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
watermark.handleOpacity: boolean - default is true, hide or show the opacity range
watermark.imageFilter: function - default is null, pass a function that gets the image resource before draw and return a manipulated image (pass some fancy filter on the watermark)
config.watermark = {
    url: 'https://jolipage002-global.api.airstore.io/v1/get/_/04e725a5-8605-57d5-bf9b-b161745e7720/6d3f41ddc2c1271cb4fede2b7cc8323bec97a3c69f89fd1dd881c5bb9460d9c6.png',
    position: 'center',
    opacity: 0.7

colorScheme: string | 'dark', 'light'

default: 'dark'

Color schemes; currently two themes are available: 'dark', 'light'. There is a possibility to create your custom theme here.

theme: object

Possibility to make your custom theme See the example here.


config.theme = {
  colors: {
    primaryBg: '#1e262c',
    primaryBgHover: '#637381',
    secondaryBg: '#263138',
    secondaryBgHover: '#34444c',
    text: '#F9FAFB',
    textHover: '#fff',
    textMute: '#aaa',
    textWarn: '#ff8f57',
    secondaryBgOpacity: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75)',

    border: '#161e23',
    borderLight: '#70777f'

cropPresets: object

Add custom crop templates. See the example here

resizePresets: object

Add custom resize templates. See the example here

beginCropArea: number | 0-1 - default: 1 (image size)

The crop area size shown/used automatically on starting crop.

showGoBackBtn: bool

default: false

Display back button all the time, duplication of cross button

Filerobot Integration

Upload the image in your Filerobot storage container, edit it in the Image Editor and upload the result. Deliver lightning fast over CDN.

The example of Image Editor configuration using Filerobot service can be found here.

Learn more about Filerobot

Cloudimage Integration

Point the Image Editor to your origin image URL, edit it and deliver the result lightning fast over the Cloudimage image CDN. Limited to the Cloudimage inline transformation features.

The example of Image Editor configuration using the Cloudimage service can be found here.

Learn more about Cloudimage

Cloudimage URL params sealing

When using Cloudimage along with the Filerobot Image Editor (config.processWithCloudimage: true), additional capabilities are available. One such example is the URL parameter sealing. URL parameter sealing offers you a mechanism of encoding some or all of the URL parameters (watermarks, resizing, filters, etc.). This way, you are protecting your origin images so they cannot be delivered without the respective transformations. When sealing is configured, you will see two extra URL parameters: ci_seal (calculated hash of the protected query string) and ci_eqs (encrypted data).

Configuration for sealing:

filerobot.token: string

default: ''

The token for which URL sealing is configured and activated.

filerobot.version: string

default: ''

URL sealing is available from v7.

imageSealing.enabled: bool

default: false

imageSealing.salt: string

default: ''

The salt string is set upon configuration and is used for the encryption.

imageSealing.char_count: number

default: 10

Calculated hash (URL ci_seal parameter) length.

imageSealing.include_params: string[] | null

default: null

URL parameters to be sealed. By default (when it's null), all parameters will be sealed. Alternatively, you can set a list of parameters, for example: 'wat_url'. This way, you can freely append additional transformations to the URL (the sealed parameters cannot be overwritten).


config = {
  filerobot: {
    token: 'your-sealing-token',
    version: 'v7',
  imageSealing: {
    enabled: true,
    salt: 'some-salt-str',
    char_count: 10,
    include_params: ['wat', 'wat_url', 'wat_opacity', 'wat_scale', 'wat_pad', 'wat_gravity'],

What's on the Roadmap for the near future


  • Control image brightness, contrast, exposure, and saturation (done in v3.0.0)
  • Bright theme, plus possibility to make your custom theme (done in v3.0.0)
  • Rounds the corners of images
  • Mirror images effect (done in v3.0.0)
  • New filters and effects
  • Load file objects and dataURLs
  • Transform input images to other image formats
  • Easily integrate with third party libraries
  • Compress JPEG images via Optipress
  • Set to preview mode to render on top of an existing image
  • Watermarking (done in v3.0.0)
  • Configurable resize/crop templates (done in v3.0.0)
  • Correct degree of an image (done in v3.0.0)


  • Vanilla JS (done)
  • React (done)
  • Angular
  • Vue
  • Web Component

Filerobot UI Familiy


All contributions are super welcome!


Filerobot Image Editor is provided under the MIT License