1.0.1 • Published 2 years ago

@plgworks/openapi-test-suite v1.0.1

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2 years ago

Openapi Test Suite

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This package aims to solve the following two problems: 1. Maintenance is a big problem to solve in any test suite. As the APIs evolve at a fast pace, maintenance becomes more difficult. 2. Usually when negative test cases are written, all combinations of parameters are not covered. Writing all the combinations manually is difficult and gets neglected.

We solve point 1, by consuming the openapi.json file to generate test cases in DRY manner. Openapi.json is auto-generated using a generator script, as described in this blog.

To solve point 2, we use the cartesian product of possible (correct as well as incorrect) sets of values for each parameter to get to the set of all negative test cases.


  • For each route, we figure out the possible set of values (correct as well as incorrect) for each parameter. Now, we take the cartesian product of these sets, to get all possible combinations of parameters. Correctness of the values is based on the parameter type and parameter constraints given in openapi.json
  • For all the incorrect combinations, we fire API calls and check whether the API response has the correct param level error.
  • In each route, every optional parameter is tested with its correct, incorrect as well as null value.
  • For cookie protected routes, we can include a Security Scheme object as a third argument while initializing the package. This object will be automatically consumed based on the specific security requirements of a route. If the cookies provided in Security Scheme object cannot be validated then http error 401 Unauthorized is expected.


For installing the npm package, run following command in terminal:

    npm install @plgworks/openapi-test-suite


    const openapiObj = require('@plgworks/openapi-test-suite');
    const ApiTestSuite = require('@plgworks/openapi-test-suite');
    const serverIndex = 0; // Index of the server (to be hit) from the servers block of openapi.json
    const securityScheme = require('./examples/securityScheme.json');
    const apiSuiteObj = new ApiTestSuite(openApiObj, serverIndex, securityScheme);

Run Test Suite

    // To run the test suite, use following command

    // After the test suite run is over, it is recommended to call cleanup because the openApiObj and serverIndex are in-memory cached.


Case 1: Expected success true but received false.

In the following, all params were passed correctly, but the API response received success as false.

    GET /api/admin/web/login/phone/otp 
    params: {"country_code":1,"raw_phone_number":"9878654325"} 
    Expected response success: true 
    Incorrect Parameters: {} 
    Response HTTP code: 200 
    API response: {
                    "success": false,
                    "err": {
                      "code": "BAD_REQUEST",
                      "msg": "Something went wrong.",
                      "error_data": [
                          "parameter": "phone_number",
                          "msg": "Invalid phone number."
                      "internal_id": "INVALID_PHONE_NUMBER"
    Response validation error: {"kind":"errorRespForCorrectCase"}

Case 2: Expected success false but received true.

In the following, raw_phone_number was passed incorrectly, but the API response received success as true.

    GET /api/admin/web/login/phone/otp 
    params: {"country_code":91,"raw_phone_number":null} 
    Expected response success: false 
    Incorrect Parameters: {"raw_phone_number":"Value cannot be null"}
    Response HTTP code: 200 
    API response: {
                    "success": true,
                    "data": {
                      "otp_detail": {
                        "id": 69,
                        "sms_identifier": "69:dfdc1b36-3fa8-4b9c-8c09-a61f334dfd9f",
                        "uts": 1653291961

Case 3: Incorrect parameter passed but not obtained back as an error

In the following, raw_phone_number was passed incorrectly, but the API response error_data does not convey the same.

    GET /api/admin/web/login/phone/otp 
    params: {"country_code":"959bb2","raw_phone_number":null} 
    Expected response success: false 
    incorrectParamsMap: {"country_code":"Value cannot be string","raw_phone_number":"Value cannot be null"} 
    Response HTTP code: 200 
    API response: {
                    "success": false,
                    "err": {
                      "code": "BAD_REQUEST",
                      "msg": "Something went wrong.",
                      "error_data": [
                          "parameter": "country_code",
                          "msg": "Invalid parameter country_code.  Please ensure the input is well formed."
                          "parameter": "phone_number",
                          "msg": "Invalid phone number."
                      "internal_id": "v_ap_rd_1"
    Response validation error: {"kind":"parameterErrorNotObtained","parameter":"phone_number"} 

Case 4: Correct parameter passed but got API error.

In the following, all params were passed correctly, but got the api error "Something went wrong".

    GET /api/admin/web/login/phone/otp 
    params: {"country_code":91,"raw_phone_number":"9876543239"} 
    Expected response success: true 
    Incorrect Parameters: {} 
    Response HTTP code: 500 
    API response: {
                    "success": false,
                    "err": {
                      "code": "INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR",
                      "msg": "Something went wrong.",
                      "error_data": [],
                      "internal_id": "PHONE_NUMBER_DOES_NOT_EXIST"
    Response validation error: {"kind":"errorRespForCorrectCase"} 

Case 5: Correct parameter passed but error in schema validation.

In the following, all params were passed correctly, but got respEntityTypeMismatch error.

   GET /api/admin/web/login/phone/otp 
   params: {"country_code":91,"raw_phone_number":"9876543233"} 
   Expected response success: true 
   Incorrect Parameters: {} 
   Response HTTP code: 200 
   API response: {
                   "success": true,
                   "data": {
                     "otp_detail": {
                       "id": "abc",
                       "sms_identifier": "72:83c91ffc-9741-492f-8fbf-f61d6e9b9ba8",
                       "uts": 1653293902
   Response validation error: {"kind":"respEntityTypeMismatch","debugLevel":"response.data.otp_detail.id","schemaType":"string"} 

Case 6: Incorrect cookie value and correct parameters passed.

In the following, incorrect cookie value was passed, so the expected response http code was 401; but the API response received success as true.

   GET /api/consumer/v1/user/current 
   params: {"country_code":91,"raw_phone_number":"9876543233"} 
   Expected response success: false 
   Incorrect Parameters: {} 
   Response HTTP code: 200 
   API response: {
                   "success": true,
                   "data": {
                           "current_user": {
                               "id": 100000,
                               "first_name": "ishaphone",
                               "last_name": "lastn",
                               "basic_user_detail_id": 100000,
                               "status": "ACTIVE",
                               "uts": 1651651178
   Response validation error: {"kind":"mandatoryCookieValidationFailed"}
   Request headers: {"Cookie":"aulc=25de238247286fa7fc7b9cbd071a45eda87f8690dd524cbf71c104d1d7e8252ef2dc4a698a389368dceb673238ccc47a342b611fdd00e3522183c25d6fb866faf368a7f9ec716e9df4b446d3541cd"} 

Case 7: Correct cookie value and incorrect parameters passed.

In the following, correct cookie value was passed with incorrect combination of parameters, but got http code 401.

    GET /api/consumer/v1/user/current 
       params: {"country_code":91,"raw_phone_number":null}
       Expected response success: false 
       Incorrect Parameters: {"raw_phone_number":"Value cannot be null"} 
       Response HTTP code: 401 
       API response: {
                       "success": false,
                       "err": {
                         "code": "UNAUTHORIZED",
                         "msg": "Access denied due to invalid credentials.",
                         "error_data": [],
                         "internal_id": "l_ch_vclcr_2"
       Response validation error: {"kind":"unauthorizedApiRequestForValidCookie"}
       Request headers: {"Cookie":"aulc=25de238247286fa7fc7b9cbd071a45eda87f8690dd524cbf71c104d1d7e8252ef2dc4a698a389368dceb673238ccc47a342b611fdd00e3522183c25d6fb866faf368a7f9ec716e9df4b446d3541cd"} 

Schema Validator

Using schema validator, the data can be recursively cross validated against its schema.


Get schema validator class using apiSuiteObj.

    const schemaValidator = apiSuiteObj.SchemaValidator;

Then call validateObjectBySchema(data,dataSchema,debugLevel) method of schemaValidator class with following arguments: 1) data = Data to be validated (dataType : object). 2) dataSchema = Schema against which the given data should be validated. (dataType : object). 3) debugLevel = String value which helps in debugging (dataType : string).

Note: validateObjectBySchema function throws error only in case of incorrect data.

Case 1: Validate object data.

    const data = require('./examples/dataToBeValidated_1.json');
    const dataSchema = require('./examples/dataSchema_1.json');
    const correctData = data.correctData;
    const incorrectData = data.incorrectData;

With correct data

new schemaValidator().validateObjectBySchema(correctData,dataSchema,'Response');

With incorrect data

new schemaValidator().validateObjectBySchema(incorrectData,dataSchema,'Response');


  kind: 'respEntityTypeMismatch',
  debugLevel: 'VALUE(Response).status',
  schemaType: 'string'

Here kind indicates the type of validation error, debugLevel indicates the level at which the validation failed and schemaType indicates expected schema.

Case 2: Validate array of object data.

    const data = require('./examples/dataToBeValidated_2.json');
    const dataSchema = require('./examples/dataSchema_2.json');
    const correctData = data.correctData;
    const incorrectData = data.incorrectData;
new schemaValidator().validateObjectBySchema(incorrectData,dataSchema,'Response');


  kind: 'respEntityTypeMismatch',
  debugLevel: 'Response.[0].name',
  schemaType: 'string'

Case 3: Validate array of integer data.

    const data = require('./examples/dataToBeValidated_3.json');
    const dataSchema = require('./examples/dataSchema_3.json');
    const correctData = data.correctData;
    const incorrectData = data.incorrectData;
new schemaValidator().validateObjectBySchema(incorrectData,dataSchema,'Response');


  kind: 'respEntityTypeMismatch',
  debugLevel: 'Response',
  schemaType: 'array'

Case 4: Validate string data.

    const data = require('./examples/dataToBeValidated_4.json');
    const dataSchema = require('./examples/dataSchema_4.json');
    const correctData = data.correctData;
    const incorrectData = data.incorrectData;
new schemaValidator().validateObjectBySchema(incorrectData,dataSchema,'Response');


  kind: 'respEntityTypeMismatch',
  debugLevel: 'Response',
  schemaType: 'string'

SQL & Executable Commands Injection.

Using Start security test you can test your API parameters' vulnerabilities against SQL and Command Injection attacks.

Manual monitoring of API logs is needed to check if any resources are affected by SQL or Commands injection queries.

Execute security test class using apiSuiteObj.



API request will be executed for injection queries against each parameter.

GET /api/consumer/v1/signup/phone/otp 
Request headers: {} 
params: {"country_code":"OR 1=1#","raw_phone_number":"1111111111"}

Future Scope

  • Error schema in component section and it's use.