1.1.0 • Published 3 years ago

@pmwcs/slider v1.1.0

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Last release
3 years ago


Sliders let users select from a range of values by moving the slider thumb.

Sliders can be both uncontrolled and controlled. When creating a controlled Slider, you should be listening to the onInput event and use evt.detail.value to set your new value.

Sliders will automatically layout themselves on window resize. If you need to manually trigger a layout because the sliders container size changed, the simplest way is to trigger a resize event window.dispatchEvent(new Event('resize'));.

Known Issue material-components-web uses pointer events internally. If you are using something below React 16.4, you will see unknown attribute errors, however the slider should still work.

  onInput={evt => console.log(evt)}
  onChange={evt => console.log(evt)}
function Example() {
  const [value, setValue] = React.useState(50);
  // onInput is required and will fire continuously.
  // onChange is optional and fires at the end of the interaction
  return (
      onChange={evt => setValue(evt.detail.value)}
      onInput={evt => setValue(evt.detail.value)}
<Slider discrete displayMarkers min={100} max={200} step={5} />


A Slider component.


disabledundefined \| false \| trueDisables the control.
discreteundefined \| false \| trueDisplays the exact value of the Slider on the knob.
displayMarkersundefined \| false \| trueDisplays the individual step markers on the Slider track.
foundationRefReact.Ref<MDCSliderFoundation>Advanced: A reference to the MDCFoundation.
maxnumber \| stringThe maximum value of the Slider.
minnumber \| stringThe minimum value of the Slider.
onChangeundefined \| (evt: SliderOnChangeEventT) => voidA callback that fires when the Slider stops sliding which takes an event with event.detail.value set to the Slider's value. evt.detail = { value: number;}
onInputundefined \| (evt: SliderOnInputEventT) => voidA callback that fires continuously while the Slider is sliding that takes an event with event.detail.value set to the Slider's value. evt.detail = { value: number;}
stepnumber \| stringA step to quantize values by.
valuenumber \| stringThe value of the Slider.