0.2.1 • Published 8 months ago

@react-chess-tools/react-chess-game v0.2.1

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Last release
8 months ago

Project Description

This project is a React-based chess game that allows users to play chess online. It is part of the react-chess-tools package and is designed to be easy to use and customizable. It is built on top of the react-chessboard and chess.js packages, and provides a nice default configuration for the chess game, including:

  • Sounds
  • Move-by-click
  • Square highlighting

It is build using an approach similar to the one used in the radix-ui, where the ChessGame component is built using a ChessGameContext that you can use to customize and ehance the component game. Is also provides a set of default components that you can use to build your next chess app.


Visit the demo to see the react-chess-game component in action.


To install the react-chess-game package, run the following command:

$ npm install @react-chess-tools/react-chess-game


To use the react-chess-game package, you can import the ChessGame component and use it as follows:

import { ChessGame } from "@react-chess-tools/react-chess-game";

const App = () => {
    <ChessGame.Board />


The react-chess-game package provides a set of components that you can use to build your chess app. The following sections describe the components and their usage.


The ChessGame.Root component is the root component of the react-chess-game package. It is used to provide the ChessGameContext to the rest of the components. It also provides a set of default values for the ChessGameContext that you can customize. It instantiates a Chess instance using the fen prop and provides it to the ChessGameContext.


The ChessGame.Root component accepts the following props:

childrenReact.FCThe children of the ChessGame.Root component.
fenstringinitial positionThe FEN of the chess game.
orientation"w" | "b""white"The orientation of the chess game.


The ChessGame.Board component is the main component of the react-chess-game package. It is used to render the chess board and the pieces. It uses the ChessGameContext to get the Chess instance and the orientation of the game.


All the props from Chessboard.js are supported. You can find the full list of props here.


The ChessGame.Sounds component is used to provide the sounds for the chess game. By default, it uses the sounds from the react-chess-sounds package, but you can provide your own sounds. Sounds must be provided as base 64 encoded strings.


The ChessGame.Sounds component accepts the following props:

checkstringThe sound to play when a player is in check.
movestringThe sound to play when a player makes a move.
capturestringThe sound to play when a player captures a piece.
gameOverstringThe sound to play when the game is over.


The useChessGameContext hook is used to get the ChessGameContext from the ChessGame.Root component. It can be used to customize the chess game.


The useChessGameContext hook returns the following values:

chessChessThe Chess instance of the chess game.
orientation"w" | "b"The orientation of the chess game.
methodsMethodsThe methods you can use to interact with the chess game.
infoInfoThe info of the chess game, calculated using the chess instance using chess.js methods


The useChessGameContextContext hook returns the following methods:

makeMove(move: string) => voidMakes a move in the chess game.
setPostion(fen: string) => voidSets the position of the chess game.
flipBoard() => voidFlips the board.


The useChessGameContext hook returns the following info:

turn, isPlayerTurn, isOpponentTurn, moveNumber, lastMove, isCheck, isCheckmate, isDraw, isStalemate, isThreefoldRepetition, isInsufficientMaterial, isGameOver, isDrawn, hasPlayerWon, hasPlayerLost,

turn"w" | "b"The turn of the chess game.
isPlayerTurnbooleanWhether it is the player's turn.
isOpponentTurnbooleanWhether it is the opponent's turn.
moveNumbernumberThe number of the current move.
lastMoveMoveThe last move made in the chess game.
isCheckbooleanWhether the player is in check.
isCheckmatebooleanWhether the player is in checkmate.
isDrawbooleanWhether the game is a draw.
isStalematebooleanWhether the game is a stalemate.
isThreefoldRepetitionbooleanWhether the game is a threefold repetition.
isInsufficientMaterialbooleanWhether the game is a insufficient material.
isGameOverbooleanWhether the game is over.
isDrawnbooleanWhether the game is drawn.
hasPlayerWonbooleanWhether the player (the side specified in the orientation prop) has won.
hasPlayerLostbooleanWhether the player (the side specified in the orientation prop) has lost

📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.

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