4.2.0 • Published 1 month ago

@react-native-community/image-editor v4.2.0

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1 month ago


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Image Editor Native module for React Native.

Originally extracted from React Native issue#23313 and maintained by the community.

Getting started


yarn add @react-native-community/image-editor
# or
npm install @react-native-community/image-editor --save

Install Pods

npx pod-install


Start by importing the library:

import ImageEditor from '@react-native-community/image-editor';

Crop image

Crop the image specified by the URI param. If URI points to a remote image, it will be downloaded automatically. If the image cannot be loaded/downloaded, the promise will be rejected.

If the cropping process is successful, the resultant cropped image will be stored in the cache path, and the CropResult returned in the promise will point to the image in the cache path. ⚠️ Remember to delete the cropped image from the cache path when you are done with it.

ImageEditor.cropImage(uri, cropData).then((result) => {
  console.log('Cropped image uri:', result.uri);

cropData: ImageCropData

offset{ x: number, y: number }The top-left corner of the cropped image, specified in the original image's coordinate space
size{ width: number, height: number }Size (dimensions) of the cropped image
displaySize(optional){ width: number, height: number }Size to which you want to scale the cropped image
resizeMode(optional)'contain' \| 'cover' \| 'stretch' \| 'center'Resizing mode to use when scaling the image (iOS only, Android resize mode is always 'cover', Web - no support) Default value: 'cover'
quality(optional)numberA value in range 0.0 - 1.0 specifying compression level of the result image. 1 means no compression (highest quality) and 0 the highest compression (lowest quality) Default value: 0.9
format(optional)'jpeg' \| 'png' \| 'webp'The format of the resulting image. Default value: based on the provided image;if value determination is not possible, 'jpeg' will be used as a fallback.'webp' isn't supported by iOS.
includeBase64(optional)booleanIndicates if Base64 formatted picture data should also be included in the CropResult. Default value: false
headers(optional)object \| HeadersAn object or Headers interface representing the HTTP headers to send along with the request for a remote image.

result: CropResult

uristringThe path to the image file (example: 'file:///data/user/0/.../image.jpg') WEB: uri is the data URI string (example '...AQABAA')
pathstringThe URI of the image (example: '/data/user/0/.../image.jpg') WEB: path is the blob URL (example 'blob:https://example.com/43ff7a16...e46b1')
namestringThe name of the image file. (example: 'image.jpg')
widthnumberThe width of the image in pixels
heightnumberHeight of the image in pixels
sizenumberThe size of the image in bytes
typestringThe MIME type of the image ('image/jpeg', 'image/png', 'image/webp')
base64(optional)stringThe base64-encoded image data example: '/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD'if you need data URI as the source for an Image element for example, you can use data:${type};base64,${base64}

For more advanced usage check our example app.