1.9.1 • Published 3 years ago

@sayjava/behave v1.9.1

Weekly downloads
Last release
3 years ago

Quick Start

Start the sever with a simple behavior

npx @sayjava/behave -b '[{"request": {"path":"/hi"}, "response": {"body": "Hello World"}}]'

Run a sample request against the server to see the response

curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/hi


Mocking Endpoints

  • Regex based URL matchers e.g
curl -v -X PUT http://localhost:8080/_/api/behaviors -d '[
    "name": "Match any task with id",
    "request": { "path": "/tasks/[0-9]+" },
    "response": "found it"

to match requests like:

curl -v -X GET http://localhost:8080/task/2
curl -v -X GET http://localhost:8080/task/10
  • Respond based on request header properties e.g {"user-agent": "Chrome|Apple*"}
curl -v -X PUT http://localhost:8080/_/api/behaviors -d '[
    "name": "Match requests coming from Apple devices or Chrome",
    "request": {
      "path": "/tasks/[0-9]+",
      "headers": {
        "user-agent": "Chrome|Apple*"
    "response": [
        "name": "Created on the mac"

to match requests like:

curl -v -X GET http://localhost:8080/task/2 -H 'user-agent: Chrome'
  • Response based on http request body e.g {"user":"john_[a-z]+"}
curl -v -X PUT http://localhost:8080/_/api/behaviors -d '[{
  "name": "Match requests with users with names like john_xxx",
  "request": {
    "path": "/tasks",
    "method": "POST",
    "body": {
      "user": "john_[a-z]+"
  "response": [
      "statusCode": "201",
      "body": "Task created"

to match requests like:

curl -v -X POST http://localhost:8080/tasks -d '{ "user": "john_doe", "name": "pay up" }'
  • Simulate network delays and failures
curl -v -X PUT http://localhost:8080/_/api/behaviors -d '[
    "name": "Match any task with id",
    "request": {
      "path": "/tasks/[0-9]+",
      "delay": 100
  • Alternate responses for the same request. e.g succeed twice then fail afterwards
curl -v -X PUT http://localhost:8080/_/api/behaviors -d '[
    "request": {
      "path": "/hello/world"
    "response": {
      "statusCode": "200",
      "body": "Hello there"
    "limit": 2
    "request": {
      "path": "/hello/world"
    "response": {
      "statusCode": "500",
      "body": "Sorry Server Blew Up"

see more examples

HTTP Test Endpoints

  • Validate received requests. e.g
# Assert that this request was received at most 2 times
curl -v -X PUT http://localhost:8080/_/api/requests/assert -d `[
        "path": "/hello/world",
        "count": {
            "atMost": 2
  • Validate the interval between requests
# Assert that these requests were received at most 10 seconds apart
curl -v -X PUT http://localhost:8080/_/api/requests/intervarl -d `
    "path": "/hello/world",
    "interval": {
      "atMost": 10
  • Validate the order in which requests are received
# Assert that these requests were received in this order
curl -v -X PUT http://localhost:8080/_/api/requests/sequence -d `[
        "path": "/hello/world",

Server Features

  • HTTP based API configuration
  • Simple UI log and behavior viewer
  • Express middleware

Full Documentation

Full Documentation