1.0.6 • Published 2 years ago

@snappywc/calendar v1.0.6

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Last release
2 years ago


A Google Calendar element that's easy to use and customize. 1.7kb (brotli).



Why Make Another Calendar Element?

I was using @fullcalendar for a site and I got frustrated with customization options and package size. Instead of scouring the internet for something better, I though it would be fun to make my own and see how minimal I can make it.


  1. Supports list and grid views for the selected month.
  2. Responsive by default, but list or grid format can be forced.
  3. Full localization support, including prev/next aria labels.
  4. Detects user locale by default, but locale can be manually specified.
  5. Minimal styling using CSS Grid, with many part selectors available.
  6. Customizable controls using slots.


Option 1: As a package.

npm i @snappywc/calendar
import '@snappywc/calendar'

Option 2: In your markup.

<script type="module">
  import '//unpkg.com/@snappywc/calendar'


  calendar="your google calendar id"
  key="your google calendar api key"
  format="accepts 'grid' or 'list' (defaults to responsive)"
  locale="any locale string ('en', 'fr', etc, defaults to navigator.language)"
  prev-aria-label="any string (defaults to 'show previous month')"
  next-aria-label="any string (defaults to 'show next month')"

Does it get any easier than that? If your answer is yes, open an issue or make a pull request!

Calendar Methods

The following methods can be used to control the calendar. The calendar will also reinitialize when the calendar, key or locale attributes are modified.

.prev()go to the previous month
.next()go to the next month
.goToMonth(year, month)go to the specified month


The default styles, part selectors and slots for this element were carefully considered to be as minimal and un-opinionated as possible.


Two slots, prev and next, are provided to customize the icons, text, or other content inside the prev/next buttons.


The following parts are available, and should be fairly self-explanatory.

  • header
    • prev
    • date
    • next
  • grid
    • day
    • event
      • event-name
      • event-time

Example Use (SCSS)

snappy-carousel {
  &::part(header) {
    background: #eee;
  &[format='list'] {
    &::part(day) {
      margin-bottom: 1rem;
    &::part(event-name) {
      color: #222;