Check if a value is a plain object
Check if a value is a plain object
DOM trap for a focus
Utilities to get and check variable types (isString, isPlainObject, isRegExp, etc)
JavaScript library for formatting input text content when you are typing
Use conventional text streams at the start of your gulp or vinyl pipelines
A simple, easy to use vanilla JS color picker with alpha selection.
LazyLoad is a lightweight (2.4 kB) and flexible script that speeds up your web application by deferring the loading of your below-the-fold images, videos and iframes to when they will enter the viewport. It's written in plain "vanilla" JavaScript, it leve
A vanilla JS customisable text input/select box plugin
A JavaScript library for zooming images like Medium
A js mask simple like killing zombies =).
InstantSearch.js is a JavaScript library for building performant and instant search experiences with Algolia.
A simple vanilla JavaScript router
Blazing fast and lightweight autocomplete library without dependencies. 1KB gzipped.
Small vanilla javascript that feature detect the :focus-within pseudo selector and polyfills it with a standard css class if necessary.
Slim advanced select dropdown
Get a date with JavaScript! A datepicker with no dependencies.
A simple, extendable CSS framework.
It is a trap! (for a focus)
A smooth 3D tilt javascript library forked from Tilt.js
Simple, small and fast vanilla JavaScript polyfill for the HTML5 <input type="range"> slider element