Trim a consecutively repeated substring: foo--bar---baz → foo-bar-baz
Trim a consecutively repeated substring: foo--bar---baz → foo-bar-baz
Collapse white space
Convert an absolute path to a tilde path: `/Users/sindresorhus/dev` → `~/dev`
Safely remove repeating whitespace from HTML text.
rc-collapse ui component for react
Angular powered Bootstrap
Keep writing to the same line in the terminal. Very useful when you write progress bars, or a status message during longer operations
Accessible Accordion component for React
Simplifies a planar graph
Component-wrapper for collapse animation for elements with variable (and dynamic) height
React component to wrap content in Collapsible element with trigger to open and close.
A simple and accessible accordion component for React & Chakra UI
Animated collapsible component for React Native using the Animated API. Good for accordions, toggles etc
rehype plugin to collapse whitespace
Remove leading, trailing, and repeated whitespace from a string
Component for animating height during mount/unmount using a CSS transition
Blazing fast and lightweight autocomplete library without dependencies. 1KB gzipped.
Remove unnecessary whitespace from an element.
React component for animating showing or hiding an element.
A React custom-hook for creating flexible and accessible expand/collapse components.