Edit a string with the users preferred text editor using $VISUAL or $ENVIRONMENT
Edit a string with the users preferred text editor using $VISUAL or $ENVIRONMENT
Get the system locale
Node.js 4 `os.homedir()` ponyfill
Bash-like tilde expansion for node.js. Expands a leading tilde in a file path to the user home directory, or `~+` to the cwd.
Resolve a directory that is either local, global or in the user's home directory.
Check if the process is running as root user, for example, one started with `sudo`
Get paths for storing things like data, config, cache, etc
Convert a tilde path to an absolute path: `~/dev` → `/Users/sindresorhus/dev`
Get the user home directory with fallback to the system temp directory
Get the path to the user home directory
Fastest, most accurate & effecient user agent string parser, uses Browserscope's research for parsing
Convert an absolute path to a tilde path: `/Users/sindresorhus/dev` → `~/dev`
Node.js 0.12 fs.access() & fs.accessSync() ponyfill
Parse a github URL into an object.
Get a GitHub username from an email address
Get home directory path on any platform
Use the system-ui font family in CSS
Strip the authentication part of a URL
Get metadata on the default editor or a specific editor
Get the fullname of the current user