Check if the process is running as root user, for example, one started with `sudo`
Check if the process is running as root user, for example, one started with `sudo`
Offers convenient getters and setters for the stat `mode`
Allows you prompt for various permissions to access device sensors, personal data, etc.
An interface for permissions modules
CASL is an isomorphic authorization JavaScript library which restricts what resources a given user is allowed to access
Block users from running your app with root permissions
Try to downgrade the permissions of a process with root privileges and block access if it fails
Try to downgrade the permissions of a process with root privileges
A Serverless plugin to define IAM Role statements as part of the function definition block
Change permissions of Vinyl files
Koa middleware for validating JSON Web Tokens
Permission and roles based access control for your angular(angular 2,4,5,6,7,8+) applications(AOT, lazy modules compatible)
React component for CASL which makes it easy to add permissions in any React application
Vue plugin for CASL which makes it easy to add permissions in any Vue application
Check permissions using Shiro-like strings, put in a trie.
A utility for manipulating bit masks
Express middleware for JWT permissions
A Serverless plugin that makes creation of per function IAM roles easier
Allows to query accessible records from MongoDB based on CASL rules