2.1.1 • Published 1 day ago

@ts-graphviz/common v2.1.1

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1 day ago


This package contains type information, constants, and utility functions related to the DOT language attributes, attribute values, and models for ts-graphviz.

It is part of the ts-graphviz library, which is split into modular packages to improve maintainability, flexibility, and ease of use.


  • Type definitions for DOT language elements, such as attributes and attribute values
  • Constants representing common attribute names and values
  • Utility functions for working with DOT language elements


Import the necessary types, constants, or utility functions from the @ts-graphviz/common package:

import { NodeAttributesObject, EdgeAttributesObject } from '@ts-graphviz/common';

Use the imported items in your project to work with the DOT language elements:

const nodeAttr: NodeAttributesObject = {
  label: 'Node label',
  shape: 'ellipse',

const edgeAttr: EdgeAttributesObject = {
  label: 'Edge label',
  color: 'red',

For more examples and usage details, please refer to the ts-graphviz documentation.


Contributions to the ts-graphviz project are welcome.

Please refer to the main ts-graphviz repository for guidelines on how to contribute.


This package is released under the MIT License.