3.3.0 • Published 4 years ago

@wcom/cli v3.3.0

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4 years ago


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Table of Contents


This is a lightweight CLI tool that parses your JavaScript/TypeScript files and collects metadata about your Web Components via plugins, which can then be used again via plugins to transform it into whatever output you require such as JSON or Markdown.

Metadata includes the properties, methods, events, cssprops, cssparts, slots and more about each component. This tool works completely off plugins so there's not much underlying logic out of the box. Pick, use and create what you need. See below on how to create your own plugin.

The following are some plugins available out of the box:

  • Lit Element: Discovers metadata about your LitElement components (only TS support atm). Follows complete heritage tree (mixins/subclasses/interfaces).
  • JSON: Transforms component metadata into JSON format.
  • Markdown: Transforms component metadata into markdown.
  • Custom Elements Manifest: Transforms component metadata into a custom elements manifest.
  • Storybook Manifest: Transforms component metadata into a Storybook manifest that can be used to automatically infer arg types.
  • VSCode Custom Data: Transforms component metadata into VSCode Custom Data.


# npm
$: npm install @wcom/cli -D

# yarn
$: yarn add @wcom/cli -D

# pnpm
$: pnpm install @wcom/cli -D


First create a wcom.config.ts file at the root your project directory and include some plugins...

// wcom.config.ts

// Hover over each plugin here in your editor to see what options are available.
import {
} from '@wcom/cli';

export default [

Next simply run the transform command...

$: wcom transform src/**/*.ts

For more information call wcom transform -h to see what arguments are available.

Documenting Components

Here's an example of how you can document a component when using the litElementPlugin...

 * Description about my component here.
 * @tagname my-component
 * @slot Used to pass in additional content inside (default slot).
 * @slot another-slot - Used to pass content into another part.
 * @csspart root - The component's root element.
 * @cssprop --my-component-bg - The background color of the component.
 * @example
 * ```html
 * <my-component></my-component>
 * ```
 * @example
 * ```html
 * <!-- Hidden. -->
 * <my-component hidden></my-component>
 * ```
export class MyComponent extends LitElement {
   * Whether the component is hidden.
  @property({ type: Boolean }) hidden = false;

   * The size of the component.
   * @deprecated - Use `size` instead.
  @property({ attribute: 'size' }) sizing: 'small' | 'big' = 'small';

   * The current size of the component - example of a `readonly` property.
  get currentSize(): 'small' | 'big' {
    return this.size;

   * Call this method to show the component.
  onShow() {
    // ...

   * `protected` and `private` methods will not be included in `ComponentMeta`.
   * You can also hide metadata by adding the following tag...
   * @internal - For private use... don't touch!
  protected internalMethod() {
    // ...

Custom Metadata

You might've noticed that some information such as events were missing, and there may potentially be other information you'd like to include in the final output. In these cases it'd be best to create your own plugin and extract the information you need. Depending on what you're gathering the postbuild and postlink plugin lifecycle steps are generally the best time to do this. See the next section for more information on how you can go about achieving this with custom plugins.


 * Don't be scared by the interface, you can achieve simple things really easily. All
 * lifecycle steps are completely optional. The complexity is really in the `discover` and
 * `build` steps (Phase 2) where some basic knowledge of how the TS compiler works is needed,
 * otherwise you're good to go!
 * Take advantage of existing plugins such as `litElementPlugin` to do the hard work, so you
 * can create your own plugins that focus on the simple stuff.
export interface Plugin<ComponentRootNodeType extends Node = Node> {
   * The name of the plugin.
  name: string;

  // *** PHASE 1 ***

   * Optional - Called when initializing the plugin, receives the TypeScript `Program` as an
   * argument.
  init?(program: Program): Promise<void>;

  // *** PHASE 2 ***

   * Optional - Called to discover any component root nodes inside the given `sourceFile`, these
   * nodes are collected and passed to the `build` function to turn it into a `ComponentMeta`.
   * Discovered nodes are not shared between plugins.
  discover?(sourceFile: SourceFile): Promise<ComponentRootNodeType[]>;
  build?(node: ComponentRootNodeType): Promise<ComponentMeta>;

   * Optional - Called immediately after ALL plugins complete their `discover` and `build` steps.
   * It's a chance for you to query/add/update/delete any component metadata.
    components: ComponentMeta[],
    sourceFiles: SourceFile[],
  ): Promise<ComponentMeta[]>;

  // *** PHASE 3 ***

   * Optional - Links/merges heritage (mixins/subclasses/interfaces) metadata with its respective
   * component metadata. It's important to note that there's a base `link` process that'll do this
   * out of the box which will run before any plugin `link`.
    component: ComponentMeta,
    heritage: HeritageMeta,
  ): Promise<ComponentMeta>;

   * Optional - Called immediately after ALL plugins complete their `link` step. Similar to
   * `postbuild`, it's a chance for you to query/add/update/delete any component metadata.
    components: ComponentMeta[],
    sourceFiles: SourceFile[],
  ): Promise<ComponentMeta[]>;

  // *** PHASE 4 ***

   * Optional - Receives the final component metadata collection and transforms it. This step also
   * receives an `fs` argument that is a collection of filesystem utilties that basically extends
   * the `fs-extra` library with a few Windows friendly path resolver functions.
  transform?(components: ComponentMeta[], fs: PluginFs): Promise<void>;

  // *** PHASE 5 ***

   * Optional - Called when destroying the plugin.
  destroy?(): Promise<void>;

Custom Plugin

Assume you're registering your component's in a separate .ts file so that when someone imports my-library/button/my-button.ts it'll register the MyButton custom element in the Window registry under the tag name my-button.

// my-button.ts

// Dependencies.
import '../theme/my-theme';

import { MyButton } from './MyButton';

window.customElements.define('my-button', MyButton);

This plugin will discover component dependencies by looking at the import declarations at the top of said file, and seeing if they reference other component registration files. In the example above, the imports listed directly under the comment // Dependencies will be discovered.

// wcom.config.ts

import {
} from '@wcom/cli';
import { escapeQuotes, isUndefined } from '@wcom/cli/dist/utils';
import { SourceFile, isImportDeclaration } from 'typescript';

export default [

function dependencyDiscoveryPlugin(): Plugin {
  return {
    name: 'deps-discovery',
    async postbuild(components, sourceFiles) {
      // Loop through each source file.
      sourceFiles.forEach(sourceFile => {
        const path = sourceFile.fileName;

        // Loop through each component.
        components.forEach(component => {
          // Look for a component definition file by the name `{tag-name}.ts`.
          const definitionFile = `${component.tagName!}.ts`;

          // If current source file is definition file.
          if (path.endsWith(definitionFile)) {
            // Find dependencies (implementation below).
            const deps = findDependencies(components, sourceFile);

            // Append dependencies to metadata.

            // For each dependency, add current component as dependent.
            deps.forEach(dep => {
              // If dependent doesn't exist yet.
              const notFound = !dep.dependents.some(
                c => c.tagName === component.tagName,

              if (notFound) dep.dependents.push(component);

      return components;

function findDependencies(
  components: ComponentMeta[],
  sourceFile: SourceFile,
): ComponentMeta[] {
  const deps: ComponentMeta[] = [];

  // For each node in the source file.
  sourceFile.forEachChild(node => {
    // If node is a import declaration.
    if (isImportDeclaration(node)) {
      // Get the module path for the current import declaration.
      const importPath = escapeQuotes(node.moduleSpecifier.getText());
      if (importPath.startsWith('../')) {
        // Check if module path includes another component's tag name.
        const dep = components.find(c => importPath.includes(c.tagName!));
        if (!isUndefined(dep)) deps.push(dep);

  return deps;


Here's an example of running Prettier on the markdown files generated by the markdownPlugin...

// wcom.config.ts

import { litElementPlugin, markdownPlugin } from '@wcom/cli';
import prettier from 'prettier';

export default [
    async transformContent(_, content) {
      return prettier.format(content);