Allows to auto define custom elements scoping them
Allows to auto define custom elements scoping them
collection of web components and styles used at Boston University Libraries
lit-html support for ESLint
CLI that type checks bindings in lit-html templates
Lottie animation and Telegram Sticker player web components.
Typescript plugin that adds type checking and code completion to lit-html
Develop pattern libraries with lit-element
Integrating mobx with lit-element!
FontAwsome icons for polymer 3
This package contains the lit-element extension for the @leanup/cli.
Encapsulates Google Charts into a web component
Automatically generate the style-wrapper that is required for LitElement, simply by importing the CSS/SCSS file
A custom datepicker element based on Google's Material Design built from scratch with lit-element
Shared mixins, tools, etc. that support developing Spectrum Web Components.
Deliver [Spectrum UI Icons](https://spectrum.adobe.com/page/icons/) as either:
`sp-theme` applies a Spectrum theme by using CSS custom properties to set default sizes & colors for all of the components in its scope. The Spectrum design system provides four color themes (`lightest`, `light`, `dark`, and `darkest`) and two different s
An `<sp-button>` represents an action a user can take. sp-buttons can be clicked or tapped to perform an action or to navigate to another page. sp-buttons in Spectrum have several variations for different uses and multiple levels of loudness for various a
`<sp-icon>` renders an icon to the page. By default the `name` attribute will pair with separately registered icon sets to deliver the icons. When not present, `<sp-icon>` will subsequently check for its `src` attribute which could populate the icon via a
Extend either the `Iconset` or `IconsetSVG` exports of this package to supply your application with a custom icon set to power the use of `<sp-icon>` elements throughout. Give your new icon set a custom name, and you'll be ready to supply them as `<sp-ico
The `SpectrumElement` base class as created by mixing `SpectrumMixin` onto `LitElement` adopts `dir` values from the `document` at connection time with a fallback to `lrt`. In a TypeScript context, it also enforces the presence of `this.shadowRoot` on ext