72.1.0 • Published 5 days ago

@xh/hoist v72.1.0

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Welcome to Hoist React

Hoist is a web application development toolkit developed by Extremely Heavy Industries.

Hoist is designed as a "full stack" UI development framework, meaning that it has both server and client components that work together to provide an integrated set of tools and utilities for quickly constructing sophisticated front-end interfaces - or entire applications - with a strong focus on building for the enterprise.

Please refer to the Hoist Core repository readme for an overview of Hoist as a whole: its reason for existing, server-side tech stack, general features and capabilities.

This repository is hoist-react, which is the current reference client-side implementation of Hoist. While React itself is a remarkably powerful platform on which to build modern web apps, it represents only a part (however core) of the larger toolset required to create fully functional user interfaces. Hoist-React brings together a curated collection of third-party and custom components, supporting libraries, utilities, and tooling.

This enables truly rapid and ready-to-go development, tightly integrated Hoist functionality, and a minimal number of upfront per-app decisions - while maintaining a high degree of flexibility and extensibility for demanding custom use cases.

About this Doc

This readme is intended to highlight the major libraries and components included in Hoist React, as well as coding tools, conventions, and best practices that are somewhat unique to the framework. It presumes a strong baseline knowledge of modern Javascript, some experience or understanding of React and its particular concerns, and a prior review of the core features of Hoist as outlined in the readme linked above.

Where helpful, this doc provides direct links into the most relevant and commonly used source code classes and routines. We have aimed to make the code itself as clear, readable, and well-commented as possible, and we are working to ensure a consistent level of in-code documentation - especially at the class/component level and for essential public methods.

Hoist usage, licensing, and support

While we maintain open access to the Hoist codebase via these public repositories, Hoist is intended for use by clients of Extremely Heavy Industries who are working with us to develop custom applications for their enterprise.

Please refer to the Hoist Core readme for additional terms and conditions, all of which apply equally and entirely to Hoist React.

Key Libraries and Dependencies

📚 Hoist React is built on a collection of remarkable third-party libraries that have been selected, combined and integrated by Extremely Heavy Industries. To make the best use of this framework, please review the technologies below.

ReactCore technology for efficient componentization and rendering of modern web applications🔗
MobxFlexible, well-balanced state management and smart reactivity.🔗
WebpackEndlessly extensible (if occasionally baffling) bundle and build tool.🔗
ag-GridHigh performance, feature rich HTML5 grid🔗
BlueprintGeneral purpose UI toolkit for data-dense desktop webapps🔗
HighchartsProven, robust, well-rounded charting and visualization library🔗
Router5Flexible and powerful routing solution🔗
Font AwesomeIcons, icons, icons.🔗

Library Licensing Considerations

👮 The majority of the libraries listed above and included within Hoist React as dependencies are open-source and fully free to use. Wherever possible, we have aimed to minimize exposure to third-party license costs and restrictions. The exceptions to this rule are listed below. For these libraries, client application(s) using Hoist React must acquire and register appropriate licenses.

Ag-Grid Enterprise is required by Hoist React due to its support for a number of key, enterprise only features, including row grouping and tree grids. Ag-Grid offers several licensing models and requires a license key to be included with the application codebase to verify compliance and avoid console warnings. An appropriate key can be installed in any Hoist React application by via the agGridLicenseKey parameter to configureWebpack() within hoist-dev-utils.

Font Awesome provides a greatly extended set of icons via its Pro license, and Hoist React references / relies on several of these icons. A pro license includes access to a private npm repository to download the extended library, accessed via a unique URL. ExHI can configure appropriate access via npm configuration files or an enterprise npm repository proxy.

HighCharts HighStock is the primary charting library in Hoist, and offers several licensing and support options for commercial use. Highcharts does not require the registration or maintenance of any in-code licence keys.

ECMAScript 2016+

🔮 Hoist React makes full use of the recent additions and improvements to Javascript itself, in the form of ECMAScript 2016 (ES6/7) and a few more advanced (TC39 stage 2) features. These are enabled by transpiling Hoist React and application source together, using Babel, as coordinated within a standardized Webpack build process.

Key features of modern Javascript (and a bit of "BabelScript") used throughout Hoist React include:

  • Modules - all dependencies imported via ES6 modules and resolved as such by Webpack.
  • Classes - including class fields and a few carefully considered uses of inheritance (😱).
  • Promises and async/await - see below for additional notes on custom extensions and tooling around Promises.
  • Syntax Candy - object destructuring, default parameters, arrow functions, string/template literals, const/let over var, and other recent-ish additions to Array and String prototypes.
  • Decorators - aka annotations - are a core part of Mobx and used within Hoist to mixin key behaviors to several core artifacts. Decorator support is provided via the transform-decorators-legacy Babel plugin, which is specified as a dev dependency and enabled by configureWebpack() within hoist-dev-utils.


🤝 Promises are a core code construct within Hoist React for executing asynchronous operations, and as such have been extended in a few key ways. See Promise.js for documentation comments and implementations of Promise-related utilities and direct extensions to the Promise prototype, including:

  • allSettled - for coordinating multiple promises
  • catchDefault - to add standardized exception handling and alerting to a Promise chain, including a configurable and end-user-focused error dialog to display an exception message with support for disclosing any stack trace and/or reporting user-supplied notes back to the server.
  • track - to integrate a Promise-based call with Hoist activity tracking, timing the duration of a promise-based chain and reporting it back to the server tagged with a developer-supplied category, message, and optional extra data.
  • timeout - to cut (overly) long running Promises short
  • linkTo - for integration with a PendingTaskModel to track and report on state across one or more async operations.

💡 Note that by convention all methods returning a Promise within Hoist React (and ExHI-developed applications) are suffixed with the qualifier Async, e.g. loadUsersAsync or restoreDefaultsAsync. The framework does not rely on this convention for any programmatic behaviors, but we have found it to be a helpful indicator of any Promise-based, asynchronous API.

MobX - Reactive State Management

ReactiveSupport.jsMixin to add MobX reactivity to Components, Models, and Services.⚛️

MobX is an essential building block of Hoist React, providing an application state management solution with "smart' reactivity, tight integration with React Components, and a general API for reactive programming that extends beyond Components. Please review and familiarize yourself with the MobX documentation to make the best use of Hoist React.

Within Components, note that Hoist React makes heavy use of MobX as a replacement for React's own state model and setState() method. See this post for some useful background on the advantages MobX offers when it comes to Component state and efficient (re)rendering on state changes. MobX's React integration ensures that Components that access observable properties within their render() methods will intelligently re-render when those properties are changed.

In addition to Components, MobX is an essential tool for use by Models and Services within Hoist. The ReactiveSupport mixin (decorator, linked above) adds two key methods by default to these core Hoist artifacts - addAutorun() and addReaction(). These methods build on top of the native MobX autorun and reaction utilities with some additional syntax for clarity (in the case of reactions) and, importantly, a managed lifecycle that automatically disposes of these listeners when the owning artifact's destroy method is called. See that class for further details on this API.

Hoist leverages MobX in a wide variety of other contexts, including observable data stores, the handling and validation of form field inputs, routing, and more. In many cases, MobX-provided reactivity replaces and improves upon an event / callback based model for emitting and responding to state changes and other updates.

What about JSX?

elem.jsUtils for creating elements and element factories.⚛️

JSX is the XML-like extension to Javascript typically used to specify and configure React components. While it's syntax and appearance within otherwise "vanilla" Javascript code might appear strange to non-React developers, JSX syntax and conventions are a de-factor standard in the React community, familiar to React developers, and found in all React guides and tutorials.

Hoist React provides an alternative to JSX that allows Components and their hierarchies to be specified and configured via simple JS factory methods instead of an XML-like markup. When reviewing the source for Hoist components, the lack of JSX is one of the most immediately visible hallmarks of the toolkit. While this can appear to be a radical departure from standard React practice, two key points are worth noting:

  • All Hoist components can be created with JSX tags, and developers of Hoist-based applications can freely use JSX as much as they wish.
  • The factory functions Hoist exports and employs in place of JSX represent a very thin layer over the core React API, and do not impose or rely on any special requirements or additional libraries.

React.createElement() is the React API's method for configuring and creating Elements from Components. JSX is pre-processed (via Babel) into calls to to this method, and the popularity of JSX arises largely from the fact that multiple calls to createElement() to setup a tree or collection of components do not result in easily readable code or a clear sense of the component hierarchy.

Hoist encourages the use of its elemFactory() method to create and export a factory method for any custom Component. These factory methods take a single configuration object to directly specify the Component's props, as well as an items key to specify its children. These configs are and contain plain-old-Javascript objects and values, without any wrapping braces or additional syntax required. The factory method created by the framework calls createElement() just as transpiled JSX will do.

Core Concepts: Models, Components, and Services

Three distinct types of objects (in the form of classes) compromise the backbone of a Hoist application: Models, Components, and Services. Any non-trivial application will define and create multiple instances of these core object types, and understanding how Hoist defines and uses these three core artifacts is essential to understanding how we at ExHI build and structure apps.

Hoist provides three corresponding decorators to mark a class as a particular type of object and to install shared functionality and extended features provided by the framework. A fourth decorator is used to declare the top-level Model for each client application, and a special singleton Model instance called XH is created and managed by Hoist as an entry point to core framework-level state and functionality.

Finally all of these decorators rely on a set of utility functions defined within ClassUtils to add their particular functionality, behaviors, and methods to the decorated classes.

HoistModel.jsMixin for adding core Model support.⚛️
HoistComponent.jsMixin for adding core Component support.⚛️
HoistService.jsMixin for adding core Service support.⚛️
HoistAppModel.jsMixin for adding additional support to an App's primary Model class.⚛️
XH.jsHoist's top-level Model / framework API entry-point, exported as XH.⚛️
ClassUtils.jsLibrary methods for providing and extending methods on core classes.⚛️


📝 "Models" within Hoist comprise the core class of objects for managing state and business logic. The @HoistModel decorator marks a class as a Model and installs core MobX and Event support. (Model classes do not require any particular superclass - all shared functionality and patterns are mixed in via the decorator.)

Important characteristics of Model object classes include:

  • They define properties to hold state, marking mutable properties with MobX or Hoist decorators to make them observable by (one or more) Components, as well as other Models.
  • They expose API methods to modify state or perform other actions such as calls to load data.
  • They reference / create other parent and child models to create a logical hierarchy that reflects the structure and concerns of the application.

Defining, storing, or otherwise pushing state into Model classes (as opposed to Components) encourages a separation of the application's core underlying logic from its presentation layer. Apps can be designed and coded as a hierarchy of Model objects that reference properties and call methods on each other, defining what the application knows and what it does without necessarily diving into the specifics of how its visible Components are laid out or arranged.

Components can accept one or more models as props, reference properties of these Models within their render methods, and call methods on these Models in response to user actions or inputs. This can help to structure or encapsulate a Component's API, but also works with MobX to minimize extra render cycles and respond to state changes as efficiently as possible. The GridModel class is a notable example of managing a complex Component's configuration, state, and API surface via a Model. Hoist's LeftRightChooser Component is managed via its dedicated Model class, which includes nested GridModels.

Models can also exist entirely independent of Components, or be generalized enough to be used as state sources for multiple, different Components. The 'StoreSelectionModel' and PendingTaskModel are examples.

Singleton XH Model

Hoist creates and exports XH, a singleton Model instance, to coordinate the framework API at the top level and provide the most commonly used entry points to general functionality, including the creation, initialization, and aliases of key services. This model instance is installed as a window.XH global for convenient access on the console, although calling code should access XH via a standard import.

This class provides methods for app initialization, exception handling, and service access. It instantiates Hoist service singletons and installs references to these instances. It also installs aliases on itself for the most common framework service calls, e.g. XH.getConf() as a shortcut to XH.configService.get().


Each client application must define a top-level Model class using the specialized @HoistAppModel decorator. This decorator installs core Model support as well as several additional methods specific to the high-level lifecycle of the application, including those dealing with init, and routing. This class instance is available via an import of the XH (as XH.appModel) and can be a useful place to hang global state specific to your application.

Please review the inline documentation on the decorator for additional detailed information on what it provides and how an Application should provide concrete implementations for certain key methods. For an example within Hoist React itself, see HoistAppModel for the built-in Admin Console.

Model Cleanup and Destruction

The HoistModel decorator provides a destroy() method hook that should be called when a model is no longer needed. This lifecyle method ensures that all MobX disposers are called and any event listeners are cleared, ensuring the model's resources can be properly garbage collected. This is typically done by passing to model to XH.safeDestroy().


⚛️ Components are the most familiar artifacts in React development, and are likely what come to mind first when most developers think of React. The HoistComponent decorator can (and usually should) be applied to Component classes to enable MobX reactivity and augment a Component with several useful convenience methods/getters such as getDOMNode() and isDisplayed. (These might and hopefully will be added to in the future as sufficiently common Component features are identified that make sense to mix-in here.)


⚙️ Services within Hoist are singleton classes designed to encapsulate key data access and business logic, independent of and distinct from any particular UI component. Services can maintain their own internal state and data structures and expose methods for use by the rest of the application. A common use for Services is to fetch and post data to the server, potentially transforming, validating, or defaulting outbound queries and inbound data to provide a local API to application Model and Component classes that's tailored to their needs.

Service instances persist for the life of the app and have a defined initialization process. By convention they are stored within an svc/ package within an app's file structure.

Use the @HoistService decorator to mark a class as a global service within. As with the other decorators, this installs MobX and Event support and defines an empty initAsync() lifecycle method. To instantiate and make services available to application code, use the XH.installServicesAsync() method. This method will construct, initialize, and install the services as a property on the XH object. Note that there is a strict expectation that service classes will be named ending with the word 'Service', e.g. MyCustomService.. The installed instance in this case would then be made available
to application code as `XH.myCustomService'.

Many core Hoist features are exposed on the client via services such as PrefService, ConfigService, and IdentityService. See these examples for a better understanding of the kind of tasks and code patterns commonly used within Service classes.

Bundled and Managed Components

Hoist includes a wide variety of carefully selected and integrated UI Components, ready to be put to immediate use within an application. Most of these are built on / composed of Components provided by well-regarded (and generally awesome) third-party libraries.

An central goal of the Hoist toolkit, however, is to provide a more managed, normalized, and integrated set of patterns, APIs, and links on top of the "raw" library components. This enables them to work better together, integrate with and leverage core Hoist services such as soft configuration and user preferences, and appear to end-users as a cohesive and highly polished system, as opposed to a disparate and sometimes contradictory set of independent UI elements.

Desktop vs. Mobile

📱 Hoist supports the development of rich, highly functional applications for both traditional desktop and mobile (phone / tablet) browsers and devices. These platforms have different priorities and needs when it comes to UI design and interactions, but also share many common needs when it comes to state management, data models and processing, and other core infrastructure.

The top-level /desktop/ and /mobile/ packages contain components and other classes that are specific to their respective platforms. Wherever possible, however, we have worked to push shareable Model, Service, and other utility code up into packages common across both.

Component TODOs

🚧 Several key components / component families deserve some dedicated callouts in this readme, and will be filled in as soon as possible. These include planned notes on:

  • Grid and GridModel
  • Panel and layouts
  • HoistInput form controls and model-based management of form fields
  • Top-level AppBar and related app infrastructure components
  • Bundled Icon enums

Build and Deployment

🛠️ This section details the general steps we use to build a typical full-stack Hoist React application. We consider the Grails-based back-end and React-based front-end to be two sides of the same application. We build and deploy them together, and so the below includes info on building the Grails / Gradle based server. That is technically the domain of Hoist Core but is detailed here to provide a consolidated look at the build process.

At a high level, the build process:

  • Builds the Grails back-end via Gradle, producing a WAR file.
  • Builds the JS front-end via Webpack, producing a set of production ready client assets.
  • Copies both outputs into a pair of Docker containers and publishes those containers as the end-product of the build.
  • Deploys the new images, immediately or in a later step.

Hoist does not mandate the use of any particular CI system, although we recommend and use Jetbrains Teamcity across multiple project deployments. The examples in this section do reference some Teamcity terms (although these concepts are very general and applicable to any common CI system).

Hoist also does not require the use of Docker or containerization in general, nor does it rely on any particular container orchestration technology (e.g. Kubernetes). That said, the move towards Docker-based deployments is clearly a popular one, and we have found containers to be a useful way to bundle up and somewhat abstract away the two-part nature of full-stack Hoist UI applications.

💡 Note that the use of appCode throughout this section is a placeholder for the actual shortname assigned to your application. This is a short, camelCased variant of the longer appName and is set within the application source code via both the Gradle and Webpack configs.

1) Setup/Prep

1.1) Refresh and Lint JS Client

We do this first to fail fast if the client code doesn’t pass the linter checks, which is relatively common. This step could also run any preflight unit tests, etc. should you be diligent enough to have them.

yarn lint

1.2) Set Gradle project name

It’s best to be explicit with Gradle about the name of the project. By default it uses the name of the containing directory, which in a CI build is probably a random hash.

Project names can be set via a settings.gradlein the project root, but we often don’t want to check in a settings.gradle with each app project. as we commonly build and test custom Grails plugins by running in a multi-project build mode with an under-development Grails plugin and the app checked out as siblings in a parent wrapper directory. That parent directory (which is local to the developer’s machine and not in source control) has its own settings.gradle file to bind the app and plugin together. You can’t have more than one settings.gradle in a Gradle project, so this dev-time setup would conflict with a checked in version should one exist

As a workaround, we can have the build system take the app name (we use a project-level Teamcity %param%) and then write out a settings.gradle file in place within the checked out source.

echo "rootProject.name = \"%appCode%\"" > settings.gradle

This step could be avoided by checking in a settings.gradle with the app and, should you need the special plugin development setup outlined above, manually deleting or renaming it (and remembering to not check that change into source control). In many cases, in-line Grails plugin development will be a rarity or limited to ExHI or a smaller set of developers.

2) Server and Client Builds

2.1) Build (and optionally publish) Grails server WAR with Gradle

This step calls into a build.gradle script checked in with each project to build the Grails server-side into a WAR and then publish that to an internal Maven repo.

Publishing the built WAR to an internal Maven repo is not necessary, but it does give us some parity with how we build and publish Grails plugins and is relatively standard with versioned Java artifacts. That said, the “real” output of the build will be a pair of Docker containers (below), and we’re not pushing the corresponding client JS assets to Maven or baking them into the WAR - both of which make publishing the WAR somewhat arbitrary. 🤷 The choice as to whether or not to publish can depend on the nature of the app and the standards/controls expected within the organization.

This step takes an application version, which is baked into the build. This can be left out, in which case it will default to the version specified within the app’s gradle.properties file. Our convention is to leave gradle.properties checked in with the next snapshot version and have the builds override via a Gradle -P option when doing a particular versioned build. This means that “snapshot” builds can simply leave the argument off, versioned builds can supply it (we use a Teamcity param supplied via a required prompt), and gradle.properties only needs to change in source control when a new major release moves us to a new snapshot.

When publishing, the build script is typically also setup to accept credentials w/deploy rights to the internal Maven repository. The Toolbox build script provides an example - see the publishing section.

Teamcity can use its dedicated “Gradle runner” to provide a more customized view on the task, or a simple command runner could be used. In both cases, a Gradle wrapper should be checked in with the project and used according to Gradle best practices.

# If publishing - will build WAR then push to Maven as per particular config in build.gradle
./gradlew publishApp -PxhAppVersion=%appVersion% -PmavenDeployUser=%deployUser% -PmavenDeployPassword=%deployPwd%

# If building WAR only
./gradlew war -PxhAppVersion=%appVersion%

In both cases, the output is a appCode-appVersion.war file file within /build/libs.

2.2) Build JS Client with Webpack

This step builds all the client-side assets (JS/CSS/static resources) with Webpack, taking the source and dependencies and producing concatenated, minified, and hashed files suitable for serving to browsers. We use yarn as our package manager / runner tool, although npm is also fine if preferred.

This step takes several arguments that are passed via a script in package.json to Webpack. Each project has a webpack.config.js file checked into the root of its client-app directory that accepts any args and runs them through a script provided by hoist-dev-utils to produce a fully-based Webpack configuration object. The two args typically set during the build process (as opposed to being checked in to the app's webpack.config.js) are:

  • appVersion - the same x.y.z version supplied to the server-side build above. We take the same approach on the client as we do on the server, where the next snapshot version is left defaulted within the app’s webpack.config.js file and then overridden via this arg for versioned builds only.
  • appBuild - this is an optional arg that gets baked into the client code and exposed as a variable for display in the built-in Hoist admin client. We use it to pass a git commit hash, which then provides another way to cross-reference exactly what snapshot of the codebase was used to build any given running application.

An example Teamcity command line runner. ⚠️ Note this must run with client-app as its working directory:

# Source commit hash from CI system - approach here depends on TC build config/template
# Grab a shorter version of the full hash
echo "Building $appVersion $appBuild"
yarn build --env.appVersion=$appVersion --env.appBuild=$appBuild

The output is a set of files within /client-app/build/ .

3) Docker images

🐳 The primary outputs of the overall build process are a pair of Docker containers, one for the Grails server and one for the client JS assets. These include the build assets and are tagged with the desired version, making them (as a pair) a complete and deployable instance of the application.

Applications should be checked in with a /docker/ directory containing Dockerfiles and configs for both the server and client containers. Both can be based on public images published by ExHI, although an inspection of those images will show that they are very thin layers on top of the official Tomcat and nginx images on Docker Hub.

3.1) Build and Publish Tomcat Docker image

The Grails server component is deployed within a Tomcat container. The app should have a minimal /docker/tomcat/Dockerfile (checked into source control) such as:

FROM xhio/xh-tomcat:latest
COPY setenv.sh bin/
COPY *.war webapps/ROOT.war

The setenv.sh referenced here can also be checked in with the app project and used to set environment variables / Java Opts required by Tomcat. This typically contains a reasonable Xmx (max JVM heap) value for the app and a pointer to an “instance config” file used by Hoist apps to bootstrap themselves with DB credentials and other low-level configuration required at startup. By convention we place this file within a Docker volume that’s mounted to /appCode within each container

All this means that a /docker/tomcat/setenv.sh typically looks like:

export JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Xmx2G -Dio.xh.hoist.instanceConfigFile=/appCode/conf.yml"

That leaves the build with the job of generating a suitable tag for the container, running the Docker build, and then pushing to an appropriate (likely internal) Docker registry. The container tag should include the appCode + -tomcat to indicate that this is the Grails-side container.

An example Teamcity command line runner. ⚠️ Note this must run with docker/tomcat as its working directory:

# Copy the WAR built above into the Docker context.
cp ../../build/libs/*.war .

# Determine an appropriate container tag from CI params.
echo "Building Docker container $containerTag"
sudo docker build --pull -t "$containerTag" .

# Note whether build was successful, push if so, return error if not.
if [ $ret -eq 0 ]
  sudo docker push "$containerTag"
  echo "Docker container build failed and was not pushed"

# Cleanup and relay exit code to CI
rm *.war
exit $ret

3.2) Build and Publish nginx Docker image

The static JS resources are deployed within an nginx container. The app should have a minimal /docker/nginx/Dockerfile/ (checked into source control) such as:

FROM xhio/xh-nginx:latest

Note that the $XH environment variables are set for convenience within the xh-nginx base image Dockerfile.

The app.conf referenced here is an app-specific nginx configuration that should be checked in alongside the Dockerfile. It should setup the available routes to serve each bundled client app, configure SSL certificates if needed, do any required redirects, and (importantly) include a proxy configuration to pass traffic through from the nginx container to the Tomcat container. Hoist deploys typically bind only the nginx ports to the host machine, then link the nginx and Tomcat containers together via Docker so there’s a single point of entry (nginx) for incoming requests. This means that no CORS or further, external proxy configuration is required to have the nginx-dosted client communicate with its Tomcat back-end.

While the exact content of the app.conf file will vary depending on the app, a representative example is below:

server {
    server_name  localhost;
    include includes/xh-secure-redirect.conf;

server {
    server_name  localhost;
    listen 443 ssl;
    root   /usr/share/nginx/html;

    ssl_certificate     /appCode/ssl/appCode.crt;
    ssl_certificate_key /appCode/ssl/appCode.pem;

    # Redirect root to /app/
    location = / {
        return 301 $scheme://$host/app/;

    # Static JS/CSS/etc assets not matching a more specific selector below
    location / {
        expires $expires;

    # App entry points - ensure trailing slash, match or fallback to index for sub-routes
    location = /admin {
        return 301 $uri/;

    location /admin/ {
        try_files $uri /admin/index.html;
        expires $expires;

    location = /app {
        return 301 $uri/;

    location /app/ {
        try_files $uri /app/index.html;
        expires $expires;

    # Proxy to Grails back-end - appCode-tomcat is defined by Docker (e.g. via link)
    location /api/ {
        proxy_pass http://appCode-tomcat:8080/;
        include includes/xh-proxy.conf;

Note that this example configuration:

  • Uses appCode as a placeholder - use the same code as configured in the app’s server and client builds!
  • Calls several optional nginx config includes, sourced from the base xh-nginx image. The base image also copies in an overall config that enables gzip compression and sets the $expires variable referenced above.
  • Redirects insecure requests to HTTPS on port 443 and terminates SSL itself, using certificates sourced from /appCode/ssl - the conventional location for Hoist apps to store certs and keys within an attached Docker volume.
  • Sets up locations for each client-app entry point / bundle - here we are shipping two JS apps with this container: app - the business-user facing app itself - and admin - the built-in Hoist Admin console. Apps might have other entry points, such as mobile or other more specific bundles.
  • Uses the try_files directive to attempt to service requests at sub-paths by handing back asset files if they exist, but otherwise falling back to index.html within that path. This allows for the use of HTML5 “pushState” routing, where in-app routes are written to the URL without the use of a traditional # symbol (e.g. http://host/app/details/123).
  • Creates a proxy endpoint at /api/ to pass traffic through to the Tomcat back-end. This path is expected by the JS client, which will automatically prepend it to the path of any local/relative Ajax requests. This can be customized if needed on the client by adjusting the baserUrl param passed to configureWebpack().

The build system now simply needs to copy the built client-side resources into the Docker context and build the image. The sample below is simplified, but could also include the return code checks in the Tomcat example above. Note the -nginx suffix on the container tag. ⚠️ This example must also run with docker/nginx as its working directory:

cp -R ../../client-app/build/ .
echo "Building Docker container $containerTag"
sudo docker build --pull -t "$containerTag" .
sudo docker push "$containerTag"

3.3) Docker cleanup

✨ At this point the build is complete and new versioned or snapshot images containing all the runtime code have been pushed to a Docker registry and are ready for deployment.

It might be beneficial to add one more step to clean up local Docker images on the build agent, to avoid them continuing to grow and take up disk space indefinitely. Note this forces Docker to pull the base images anew each time, which takes a small amount of time/bandwidth. It could probably be made more targeted if desired:

sudo docker system prune -af

4) Docker deployment

🚢 We typically setup distinct targets for build vs. deploy, and configure deployment targets to prompt for the version number and/or Docker hostname. This process will differ significantly depending on the use (or not) of orchestration technology such as Kubernetes or AWS Elastic Container Service (ECS).

Regardless of the specific implementation, the following points should apply:

  • Both appCode-tomcat and appCode-nginx containers should be deployed as a service / pair, and be kept at the same version.
  • The Tomcat container does not need to have any ports exposed/mapped onto the host (although it could if direct access is desired).
  • The nginx container typically exposes ports 80 and 443, although if a load balancer or similar is also in play that might vary (and would require appropriate adjustments to the app.conf nginx file outlined above).
  • The nginx container must be able to reach the Tomcat container at the same name included in its app.conf file - by convention, it expects to use appCode-tomcat. With straight Docker, this can be accomplished via the --link option (see below).
  • A shared volume can be used to host the instance config .yml file for the Grails server, SSL certs as required for nginx, and logs if so configured. This volume must be created in advance on the host and populated with any required bootstrap files. How that’s done again will depend on the particular Docker environment in play.

A sample Teamcity SSH-exec runner using Docker directly:

echo "Deploying $tomcatImage"

# Stop and remove existing Tomcat container
sudo docker container stop $tomcatName
sudo docker container rm $tomcatName

# Pull Tomcat image at specified version
sudo docker image pull $tomcatImage

# Run Tomcat image and mount local docker volume for YML config / log storage
sudo docker run -d --name $tomcatName --mount type=volume,src=$appCode,dst=/$appCode --restart always $tomcatImage
echo "Deploying $tomcatImage complete"

echo "Deploying $nginxImage"

# Stop and remove existing nginx container
sudo docker container stop $nginxName
sudo docker container rm $nginxName

# Pull nginx image at specified version
sudo docker image pull $nginxImage

# Run nginx image - link to Tomcat for proxying, expose ports, and mount local docker volume for SSL certificate access
sudo docker run -d --name $nginxName --link $tomcatName:$tomcatName -p 80:80 -p 443:443 --mount type=volume,src=$appCode,dst=/$appCode --restart always $nginxImage
echo "Deploying $nginxImage complete"

# Prune Docker, cleaning up dangling images and avoiding disk space bloat
sudo docker system prune -af

Work In Progress

🚧 This readme is currently a work in progress, with several additional sections planned including:

  • Additional info on Application init and lifecycle
  • Client-side services provided by hoist-react (w/some pointers to info already in hoist-core)
  • Theming and styles
  • Bundled formatters and renderers (Dates, numbers)
  • Exception handling and error reporting
  • Admin console + custom snap-ins
  • ....

🙏 Thanks for your patience as we continue to build out this documentation.

📫☎️🌎 info@xh.io | https://xh.io/contact

Copyright © 2018 Extremely Heavy Industries Inc.


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