1.3.2 • Published 4 years ago

@xmcl/minecraft-launcher-core v1.3.2

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4 years ago

Minecraft Launcher Core

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Provide several useful functions for Minecraft.

This package is targeting the Electron environment. Feel free to report issues related to it.

Installation & Usage

This repo maintaining multiple mini package for specific function.

You can install all of them in a single package: @xmcl/minecraft-launcher-core like:

import { NBT, ServerInfo, ...so on...} from '@xmcl/minecraft-launcher-core'

Or you can import them seperately:

import { NBT } from '@xmcl/nbt'

Getting Started

User Login & Auth (Official/Offline)

You can do official or offline login:

    import { Auth } from "@xmcl/auth";
    const username: string;
    const password: string;
    const authFromMojang: Auth = await Auth.Yggdrasil.login({ username, password }); // official login
    const authOffline: Auth = Auth.offline(username); // offline login

    const accessToken: string = authFromMojang.accessToken;

Validate/Refresh/Invalidate access token. This is majorly used for reduce user login and login again.

    import { Auth } from "@xmcl/auth";
    const accessToken: string;
    const clientToken: string;
    const valid: boolean = await Auth.Yggdrasil.validate({ accessToken, clientToken });
    if (!valid) {
        const newAuth: Auth = await Auth.Yggdrasil.refresh({ accessToken, clientToken });
    await Auth.Yggdrasil.invalidate({ accessToken, clientToken });

Use third party Yggdrasil API to auth:

    import { Auth } from "@xmcl/auth";
    const username: string;
    const password: string;
    const yourAPI: Auth.Yggdrasil.API;
    const authFromMojang: Auth = await Auth.Yggdrasil.login({ username, password }, yourAPI); // official login

Minecraft Client Ping Server

Read sever info (server ip, port) and fetch its status (ping, server motd):

    import { Server } from '@xmcl/client'
    const seversDatBuffer: Buffer; // this is the servers.dat under .minecraft folder
    const infos: Server.Info[] = await Server.readInfo(seversDatBuffer);
    const info: Server.Info = infos[0]
    // fetch the server status
    const promise: Promise<Server.Status> = Server.fetchStatus(info);
    // or you want the raw json
    const rawJsonPromise: Promise<Server.StatusFrame> = Server.fetchStatusFrame(info);

Fetch & Install Fabric

Fetch the new fabric version list.

    import { Fabric } from "@xmcl/fabric";
    const versionList: Fabric.VersionList = await Fabric.updateVersionList();
    const latestYarnVersion = versionList.yarnVersions[0]; // yarn version is combined by mcversion+yarn build number
    const latestLoaderVersion = versionList.loaderVersions[0];

Install fabric to the client. This installation process doesn't ensure the minecraft libraries.

    import { Fabric } from "@xmcl/fabric";
    const minecraftLocation: MinecraftLocation;
    const yarnVersion: string; // e.g. "1.14.1+build.10"
    const loaderVersion: string; // e.g. "0.4.7+build.147"
    const installPromise: Promise<void> = Fabric.install(yarnVersion, loaderVersion, minecraftLocation)

Please run Installer.installDependencies after that to install fully.

Parse Fabric Mod Metadata

    import { Fabric } from "@xmcl/fabric";
    const modJarBinary = fs.readFileSync("your-fabric.jar");
    const metadata: Fabric.ModMetadata = await Fabric.readModMetaData(modJarBinary);

    // or directly read from path
    const sameMetadata: Fabric.ModMetadata = await Fabric.readModMetaData("your-fabric.jar");

Forge Mod Parsing

Read the forge mod metadata, including @Mod annotation and mcmods.info json data.

    import { Forge } from "@xmcl/forge";
    const forgeModJarBuff: Buffer;
    const metadata: Forge.MetaData[] = Forge.readModMetaData(forgeModJarBuff);

    const modid = metadata[0].modid; // get modid of first mods

Read the forge mod config file (.cfg)

    const modConfigString: string;
    const config: Forge.Config = Forge.Config.parse(modConfigString);
    const serializedBack: string = Forge.Config.stringify(config);

Forge Installation

Get the forge version info and install forge from it.

    import { ForgeInstaller, ForgeWebPage } from "@xmcl/forge-installer";
    import { MinecraftLocation } from "@xmcl/util";
    const page: ForgeWebPage = await ForgeWebPage.getWebPage();
    const minecraftLocation: MinecraftLocation;
    const mcversion = page.mcversion; // mc version
    const firstVersionOnPage: ForgeWebPage.Version = page.versions[0];
    await ForgeInstaller.install(firstVersionOnPage, minecraftLocation);

Notice that this installation doesn't ensure full libraries installation. Please run Installer.installDependencies afther that.

The new 1.13 forge installation process requires java to run. Either you have java executable in your environment variable PATH, or you can assign java location by ForgeInstaller.install(forgeVersionMeta, minecraftLocation, { java: yourJavaExecutablePath });.

If you use this auto installation process to install forge, please checkout Lex's Patreon. Consider support him to maintains forge.

Minecraft Install

Fully install vanilla minecraft client including assets and libs.

    import { Installer } from "@xmcl/installer";
    import { MinecraftLocation } from "@xmcl/util";
    import { ResolvedVersion } from "@xmcl/version";

    const minecraft: MinecraftLocation;
    const list: Installer.VersionMetaList = await Installer.updateVersionMeta();
    const aVersion: Installer.VersionMeta = list[0]; // i just pick the first version in list here
    await Installer.install("client", aVersion, minecraft);

Just install libraries:

    import { Installer } from "@xmcl/installer";
    import { MinecraftLocation } from "@xmcl/util";
    import { ResolvedVersion, Version } from "@xmcl/version";

    const minecraft: MinecraftLocation;
    const version: string; // version string like 1.13
    const resolvedVersion: ResolvedVersion = await Version.parse(version);
    await Installer.installLibraries(resolvedVersion);

Just install assets:

    import { Installer } from "@xmcl/installer";
    import { MinecraftLocation } from "@xmcl/util";
    import { ResolvedVersion, Version } from "@xmcl/version";

    const minecraft: MinecraftLocation;
    const version: string; // version string like 1.13
    const resolvedVersion: ResolvedVersion = await Version.parse(version);
    await Installer.installAssets(resolvedVersion);

Just ensure all assets and libraries are installed:

    import { Installer } from "@xmcl/installer";
    import { MinecraftLocation } from "@xmcl/util";
    import { ResolvedVersion, Version } from "@xmcl/version";

    const minecraft: MinecraftLocation;
    const version: string; // version string like 1.13
    const resolvedVersion: ResolvedVersion = await Version.parse(version);
    await Installer.installDependencies(resolvedVersion);

Get the report of the version. It can check if version missing assets/libraries.

    import { Installer, VersionDiagnosis } from "@xmcl/version";
    const minecraftLocation: string;
    const minecraftVersionId: string;

    const report: VersionDiagnosis = await Installer.diagnose(minecraftLocation, minecraftVersionId);

Install Liteloader

Fetch liteloader version and install:

    import { LiteLoader } from "@xmcl/liteloader";

    const root: string; // minecraft root
    const list = await LiteLoader.VersionMetaList.update();
    const meta = list.versions['some-version'].release!;
    await LiteLoader.installAndCheck(meta, new MinecraftFolder(root));

Read .litemod metadata:

    import { LiteLoader } from "@xmcl/liteloader";
    const metadata: LiteLoader.MetaData = await LiteLoader.meta(`${mock}/mods/sample-mod.litemod`);

Mojang Account Info

Get personal info from mojang.

    import { MojangService } from "@xmcl/mojang";
    const accessToken: string;
    const info: Promise<MojangAccount> = MojangService.getAccountInfo(accessToken);

Validate if user have a validated IP address, and get & answer challenges to validate player's identity.

    import { MojangService } from "@xmcl/mojang";
    const accessToken: string;
    const validIp: boolean = await MojangService.checkLocation(accessToken);

    if (!validIp) {
        const challenges: MojangChallenge[] = await MojangService.getChallenges(accessToken);
        // after your answer the challenges
        const responses: MojangChallengeResponse[];
        await MojangService.responseChallenges(accessToken, responses);

Read/Write NBT

You can simply deserialize/serialize nbt.

    import { NBT } from "@xmcl/nbt";
    const fileData: Buffer;
    // compressed = undefined will not perform compress algorithm
    // compressed = true will use gzip algorithm
    const compressed: true | "gzip" | "deflate" | undefined;
    const readed: NBT.TypedObject = await NBT.deserialize(fileData, { compressed });
    // NBT.Persistence.TypedObject is just a object with __nbtPrototype__ defining its nbt type
    // After you do the modification on it, you can serialize it back to NBT
    const buf: Buffer = await NBT.serialize(readed, { compressed });

    // or use serializer style
    const serial = NBT.createSerializer()
        .register("server", {
            name: NBT.TagType.String,
            host: NBT.TagType.String,
            port: NBT.TagType.Int,
            icon: NBT.TagType.String,
    const serverInfo: any; // this doesn't require the js object to be a TypedObject
    const serialized: Buffer = await serial.serialize(serverInfo, "server");

Game Profile

Or lookup profile by name:

    const username: string;
    const gameProfilePromise: Promise<GameProfile> = ProfileService.lookup(username);

Fetch the user game profile by uuid. (This could also be used for get skin)

    import { ProfileService, GameProfile } from "@xmcl/profile-service"
    const userUUID: string;
    const gameProfilePromise: GameProfile = await ProfileService.fetch(userUUID);

Get player texture:

    const gameProfilePromise: GameProfile;
    const texturesPromise: Promise<GameProfile.Textures> = ProfileService.fetchProfileTexture(gameProfilePromise);

Read ResourcePack Basic Info

Read ResourcePack from filePath

    import { ResourcePack } from "@xmcl/resourcepack"
    const fileFullPath = "path/to/pack/some-pack.zip";
    const pack: ResourcePack = await ResourcePack.read(fileFullPath);
    // or you want read from folder, same function call
    const dirFullPath = "path/to/pack/some-pack";
    const fromFolder: ResourcePack = await ResourcePack.read(dirFullPath);

    // if you have already read the file, don't want to reopen the file
    // the file path will be only used for resource pack name
    const fileContentBuffer: Buffer;
    const packPromise: ResourcePack = await ResourcePack.read(fileFullPath, fileContentBuffer);

Progress Moniting

You can use @xmcl/task model to track the progress of a task. In the launcher, they are majorly download task.

The module is designed with event based. Use event to track what's happening.

The module won't mutate the task node, as many of us use the state management things required Unidirectional Data Flow.

Therefore you can just treat the TaskRuntime object a stateless event emitter.

    import { Task, TaskRuntime, TaskHandle } from "@xmcl/task";

    const runtime: TaskRuntime = Task.createRuntime();
    const task: Task<YourResultType>; // your task
    runtime.on("update", ({ progress, total, message }, node) => {
        // handle the progress, total update.
        // message usually the current downloading url.
    runtime.on("execute", (node, parent) => {
        const name = child.name; // name is just the name to create the task

        const newChildPath = child.path; // path is the chaining all parents' name togather
        // if parent name is 'install'
        // and child name is 'json'
        // the path will be 'install.json'

        const arguments = child.arguments; // argument is optional
        // normally the arguments is some values that helps you to localized
        // like 'library' task in during install library
        // it will provide a 'lib' property which is the name of the library

    runtime.on("finish", (result, node) => {
        // every node, parent or child will emit finish event when it finish

    runtime.on("node-error", (error, node) => {
        // emit when a task node (parent or child) failed

    const handle: TaskHandle<YourResultType> = runtime.submit(task);
    await handle.wait();
    // the error will still reject to the promise


Create TextComponent from string OR Minecraft's formatted string, like '§cThis is red'

    import { TextComponent } from "@xmcl/text-component";
    const fromString: TextComponent = TextComponent.str("from string");
    const formattedString: string;
    const fromFormatted: TextComponent = TextComponent.from(formattedString);

Render the TextComponent to css

    import { TextComponent } from "@xmcl/text-component";
    const yourComponent: TextComponent;
    const hint: Array<{ style: string; text: string }> = TextComponent.render(yourComponent);

Minecraft Version Parsing

Parse minecraft version as a resolved version, which is used for launching process. You can also read version info from it if you want.

    import { Versoin } from "@xmcl/version";
    const minecraftLocation: string;
    const minecraftVersionId: string;

    const resolvedVersion: ResolvedVersion = await Version.parse(minecraftLocation, minecraftVersionId);

Get the report of the version. It can also check if the version is missing assets/libraries.

    import { Versoin, VersionDiagnosis } from "@xmcl/version";
    const minecraftLocation: string;
    const minecraftVersionId: string;

    const report: VersionDiagnosis = await Version.diagnose(minecraftLocation, minecraftVersionId);

Save/World Data Loading

Read the level info from a buffer.

    import { WorldReader, LevelDataFrame } from '@xmcl/world'
    const worldSaveFolder: string;
    const reader: WorldReader = await WorldReader.create(worldSaveFolder);
    const levelData: LevelDataFrame = await reader.getLevelData();

Preview Read the region data, this feature is not tested yet, but the api will look like this

    import { WorldReader, RegionDataFrame, RegionReader } from "@xmcl/world";
    const worldSaveFolder: string;
    const reader: WorldReader = await WorldReader.create(worldSaveFolder);
    const chunkX: number;
    const chunkZ: number;
    const region: RegionDataFrame = await reader.getRegionData(chunkX, chunkZ);

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